College of Arts and Science Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2014


HIV-Specific Unsupportive Social Interactions, Health, and Ethnicity in Men Living With HIV, Erin M. Fekete, Nathan T. Deichert, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)

Prevalence, Types, Risk Factors, and Course of Intimate Partner Violence in Appalachian Pregnant Women, Tifani A. Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, and Matthew McBee (2014)

An Intersectional Approach to the Study of Sexual Stigma, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2014)

An Intersectional Approach to the Study of Sexual Stigma, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2014)


EneströM-Kakeya Theorem and Some of Its Generalizations, Robert B. Gardner and N. K. Govil (2014)

The Worst Supreme Court Decisions Ever! An Experimental Investigation of Agreement When the Supreme Court has Erred, Colin Glennon (2014)


Pattern Avoidance in Ordered Set Partitions, Anant Godbole, Adam Goyt, Jennifer Herdan, and Lara Pudwell (2014)


Maximum Number of Minimum Dominating and Minimum Total Dominating Sets, Anant Godbole, Jessie D. Jamieson, and William Jamieson (2014)


Sharp Threshold Asymptotics for the Emergence of Additive Bases, Anant Godbole, Chang Mou Lim, Vince Lyzinski, and Nicholas George Triantafillou (2014)


From the Iron Horse to Hell on Wheels: The Transcontinental Railroad in the Western, Kenneth Estes Hall (2014)

The Kansas Cattle Towns: Where Trail Meets Rail, Kenneth Estes Hall (2014)


The Kansas Cattle Towns: Where Trail Meets Rail, Kenneth Estes Hall (2014)

The Transcontinental Railroad in the Western, Kenneth Estes Hall (2014)


Noir Westerns after World War II, Kenneth Estes Hall and Chritian Krug (2014)


Downhill Domination in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Jessie D. Jamieson, and William B. Jamieson (2014)

Balanced Sets in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Hamilton Scott (2014)


A Characterization of P 5-Free, Diameter-2-Critical Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2014)


A Maximum Degree Theorem for Diameter-2-Critical Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Lucas C. van der Merwe, and Anders Yeo (2014)

A Critical Autoethnographic Exploration of Narrative Momentum in Families, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

Business in the Front, Party in the #Backchannel, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

Fighting Fear and Finding Home: The Quest for an Authentic Career, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)


Ghosts, Vampires, Zombies, and Us, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

It’s the Organization, not the Zombies: A Critical Organizational Interrrogation of Cabin in the Woods, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

Re-Discovering Kolchak: Elevating the Influence of the First Television Supernatural Drama, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

Stigmatized at the Comic Book Shop? An Ethnography of Collectors, Accumulators, and Other Forms of Geek, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)


The Ghostwriter: Living a Father’s Unfinished Narrative, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

The Perilous Predicament of the Aca/Fan Positionality, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

This Man's Body: At What Age Do I Become my Father?, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)

Understanding Complexity in a Polymediated Age, Andrew F. Herrmann (2014)


Introduction to the Special Issue: The New Ethnography: Goodall, Trujillo, and the Necessity of Storytelling, Andrew F. Herrmann and Kristen DiFate (2014)


Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium in Nearby Tidal Streams (SAINTS): Spitzer Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Intergalactic Star-Forming Objects, S. J.U. Higdon, J. L. Higdon, B. J. Smith, and M. Hancock (2014)


Suicide in Rural Areas: An Updated Review of the Literature, Jameson K. Hirsch and Kelly C. Cukrowicz (2014)


Spiritual Well-Being and Depressive Symptoms in Female African American Suicide Attempters: Mediating Effects of Optimism and Pessimism, Jameson K. Hirsch, Sheri A. Nsamenang, Edward C. Chang, and Nadine J. Kaslow (2014)


Family Criticism and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adult Primary Care Patients: Optimism and Pessimism as Moderators, Jameson K. Hirsch, Kristin L. Walker, Ross B. Wilkinson, and Jeffrey M. Lyness (2014)


Daily Hassles and Suicide Ideation in African-American Female Suicide Attempters: Moderating Effect of Spiritual Well-Being, Jameson K. Hirsch, Jon R. Webb, and Nadine J. Kaslow (2014)

A Positive Psychological Approach to Suicide Research, Prevention and Intervention, Jameson K. Hirsch, L. Wingate, C. Bryan, Peter C. Britton, C. Genest, and K. Rasmussen (2014)


Continuum Polarization in Circumstellar Media, Richard Ignace (2014)


Faraday Rotation Effects for Diagnosing Magnetism in Bubble Environments., Richard Ignace (2014)

Radio Emission from Macroclumps in Massive Star Winds, Richard Ignace (2014)


Investigation into the Paleobiology of Dasypus bellus Using Geometric Morphometrics and Variation of the Calcaneus, Steven E. Jasinski and Steven C. Wallace (2014)


Evaluating Tsunami Education in Coastal Washington, USA: A 2001-2012 Review, D. Johnston, V. Johnson, J. Becker, G. Leonard, S. Fraser, W. Saunders, K. Wright, D. Paton, C. Gregg, B. Houghton, J. Schelling, D. Nelson, G. Crawford, B. Walker, and N. Wood (2014)

Do Individuals With a Concealable Stigma Suffer Less Psychological Distress Than Individuals Who Cannot Hide Their Stigma?, Katelyn Jorjorian, Sheri L. LaDuke, Emma G. Fredrick, Kathleen A. Klik, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)

Do Individuals With a Concealable Stigma Suffer Less Psychological Distress Than Individuals Who Cannot Hide Their Stigma?, Katelyn Jorjorian, Sheri L. LaDuke, Emma G. Fredrick, Kathleen A. Klik, and Stacey L. Williams (2014)


A Stochastic Simulation Model for Anelosimus Studiosus During Prey Capture: A Case Study for Determination of Optimal Spacing, Michele L. Joyner, Chelsea R. Ross, Colton Watts, and Thomas C. Jones (2014)


Distances to a Point of Reference in Spatial Point Patterns, Michele L. Joyner, Edith Seier, and Thomas C. Jones (2014)


Aggregates of PCBM Molecules: A computational study, Alexander Kaiser, Michael Probst, Holly A. Stretz, and Frank Hagelberg (2014)


Vacancy Patterning and Patterning Vacancies: Controlled Self-Assembly of Fullerenes on Metal Surfaces, Alexander Kaiser, Francesc Viñes, Francesc Illas, Marcel Ritter, Frank Hagelberg, and Michael Probst (2014)


Has Adam Gadahn Forsaken the Lawful Jihad for Anti-Americanism? A Case Study of Ideological Contradictions, Paul Kamolnick (2014)


On Self-Declared Caliph Ibrahim’s May 2015 Message to Muslims: Key Problems of Motivation, Marginalization, Illogic, and Empirical Delusion in the Caliphate Project, Paul Kamolnick (2014)

David Farmer: Methodologist?, Rebecca L. Keeler, Aaron Wachhaus, Bob Cunningham, Tom Barth, Richard Huff, and Michael Howell-Maroney (2014)

Changes in Avocado Transcriptome During Fruit Maturation, Aruna Kilaru (2014)

Fatty Acid Ethanolamide Metabolism Influences Growth and Stress Responses, Aruna Kilaru (2014)

Developmental Profiles Of The Avocado Fruit Transcriptome During Oil Accumulation, Aruna Kilaru, Xia Cao, Ha-Jung Sung, Parker Dabbs, Mahbubur Md. Rahman, Keithanne Mockaitis, and John B. Ohlrogge (2014)

Elucidation of N-Acylethanolamine Pathway and Its Physiological Role in Physcomitrella Patens, Aruna Kilaru, Richard Sante, Swati Swati, B. Kinser, C. Miller, S. Shiva, and Ruth Welti (2014)

Discovery of a Mammalian Endocannabinoid Ligand and Its Metabolites in Early Land Plants, Aruna Kilaru, Richard Sante, and Ruth Welti (2014)


Attitudes to Storytelling among Adult ESL Learners, Mi-Ryoung Kim and Theresa McGarry (2014)


Phylogenetics of Panthera, Including Panthera Atrox, Based on Craniodental Characters, Leigha M. King and Steven C. Wallace (2014)


If I Could Give a Yopp: Confronting Sex, Talk, and Parenting, Amber E. Kinser (2014)

Claiming Center by Refusing Center: Women as Family Health/Illness Tellers in Appalachia, Amber E. Kinser, Kelly D. Dorgan, Sadie P. Hutson, and J. Hall (2014)

Cloning and Characterization of a Putative Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Gene in Moss, Physcomitrella Patens, Brent Kinser and Aruna Kilaru (2014)

Bridging Social and Clinical Psychology to Understand Mental Illness Stigma, Kathleen A. Klik and Stacey L. Williams (2014)


Seeing the Results of a Mutation With a Vertex Weighted Hierarchical Graph, Debra J. Knisley and Jeff R. Knisley (2014)

Vertex-Weighted Graphs and Their Applications, Debra J. Knisley and Jeff R. Knisley (2014)


Salicylic Acid Signaling in Disease Resistance, Dhirendra Kumar (2014)

Merging Social and Clinical Concepts: Self-Compassion and Acceptance and Action, Sheri L. LaDuke and Stacey Williams (2014)

Rejection Sensitivity and Support Seeking Among the Stigmatized, Sheri L. LaDuke and Stacey L. Williams (2014)

Rejection Sensitivity and Support Seeking Among the Stigmatized, S. L. LaDuke and Stacey L. Williams (2014)


Effects of Contingent Self-Esteem on Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Behavior, Chad E. Lakey, Jameson K. Hirsch, Lyndsay A. Nelson, and Sheri A. Nsamenang (2014)

Lived Experiences of Formerly Incarcerated Adults Traveling on the Road to Rehabilitation, Jessica L. Lambert and Andrea D. Clements (2014)

Teaching Media Ethics via Production, Shara K. Lange (2014)

Old Enough to Know Better? Racial Biases, Perceived Age, and Young Defendants In Tennessee, Michael P. Lasher and Jill D. Stinson (2014)


Southern Appalachia's Nineteenth-Century Bright Tobacco Boom: Industrialization, Urbanization, and the Culture of Tobacco, Tom Lee (2014)

Trauma-Informed Treatment With Sexual Offenders, J. S. Levenson and Jill D. Stinson (2014)


Pattern and Rate of Decline of a Population of Carolina Hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana Engelm.) in North Carolina, Foster Levy and Elaine S. Walker (2014)


Economy “versus” Environment: The Influence of Economic Ideology and Political Identity on Perceived Threat of Eco-Catastrophe, Stefano B. Longo and Joseph O. Baker (2014)

The Infrared Spectra of Mira Stars, Donald G. Luttermoser (2014)

High-Dispersion IR Spectroscopy of Mira Variables with the Spitzer IRS, Donald G. Luttermoser, Michelle J. Creech-Eakman, and Tina Gueth (2014)


Interacting Supernovae From Photoionization-Confined Shells Around Red Supergiant Stars, Jonathan Mackey, Shazrene Mohamed, Vasilii V. Gvaramadze, Rubina Kotak, Norbert Langer, Dominique M.A. Meyer, Takashi J. Moriya, and Hilding R. Neilson (2014)


Weight Status Misperception as Related to Selected Health Risk Behaviors Among Middle School Students, Brian C. Martin, William T. Dalton, Stacey L. Williams, Deborah L. Slawson, Michael S. Dunn, and Rebecca Johns-Wommack (2014)


Review of Entering a Clerical Career at the Roman Curia, 1458–1471 by Kirsi Salonen and Jusi Hanska, Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of Healthy Living in Late Renaissance Italy, Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of Humanism in Fifteenth-Century Europe., Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of Isabella d’Este and Francesco Gonzaga: Power Sharing at the Italian Renaissance Court, Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of Notable Men and Women of Our Time, Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of Reviving the Eternal City: Rome and the Papal Court, 1420-1447 by Elizabeth McCahill, Brian Maxson (2014)


Review of The Renaissance of Empire in Early Modern Europe, Brian Maxson (2014)

The Certame Coronario, Ritual, and Diplomacy in Fifteenth-Century Florence, Brian Maxson (2014)

The Depths of Venice: A Double Review of "Paolina's Innocence: Child Abuse in Casanova's Venice" by Larry Wolff and "Venice: A New History" by Thomas F. Madden, Brian Maxson (2014)

12 Years A Slave: Solomon Northup & The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2014)


Book Review of A Companion to James Madison and James Monroe, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2014)


Change Starts With Journal Editors: In Response to Makel (2014), Matthew T. McBee and Michael S. Matthews (2014)


Welcoming Quality in Non-Significance and Replication Work, but Moving Beyond the p-Value: Announcing New Editorial Policies for Quantitative Research in JOAA, Matthew T. McBee and Michael S. Matthews (2014)


Combining Scores in Multiple-Criteria Assessment Systems: The Impact of Combination Rule, Matthew T. McBee, Scott J. Peters, and Craig Waterman (2014)


Brain-Computer Interface (Bci) Evaluation in People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Lynn M. McCane, Eric W. Sellers, Dennis J. Mcfarland, Joseph N. Mak, C. Steve Carmack, Debra Zeitlin, Jonathan R. Wolpaw, and Theresa M. Vaughan (2014)

Rural Pediatric Primary Care Practice Patterns as a Result of an On-Site Behavioral Health Consultant: A Retrospective Analysis., K. McCarter, Jodi Polaha, and N. Gouge (2014)


Differential Contributions of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Manifestations to Psychological Symptoms, Judy G. McCook, Beth A. Bailey, Stacey L. Williams, Sheeba Anand, and Nancy E. Reame (2014)


Unsupportive Social Interactions, Shame, and Psychological Well-Being in People With HIV, Amanda McErlean, Erin M. Fekete, Stacey L. Williams, Matthew D. Skinta, Nicole M. Taylor, and Leah M. Bogusch (2014)


English Translations of the Reading Passages in James W. Gair & W. S. Karunatilaka, Theresa McGarry (2014)

Adverbial Clauses and Gender in English and Spanish, Theresa McGarry and J. Mwinyelle (2014)

Position-Specific Flavonoid Glucosyltransferases: Structure and Functional Analysis of Grapefruit Flavonol-Specific 3-O-GT, Cecilia A. McIntosh (2014)