"Controlling My Voice: Producing and Performing a Special-Mothering Nar" by Kelly A. Dorgan

Controlling My Voice: Producing and Performing a Special-Mothering Narrative

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Book Contribution

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Excerpt: MOTHERING A SON WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, or special-mothering, as I call it, is often solitary, crazy-making work. Several years ago, in part inspired by DeAnna Chester’s personal storied account of infertility, I started actively examining my own maternal story. Eventually, a desire surfaced in me to more openly witness (Frank), voicing my maternal experiences so that other special-parents know they are not alone. From the start, though, I wondered if I could witness in an ethical way. Granted, storytelling may be agency-generating, revealing previously unheard truths (Pitre, Kushner, and Hegadoren; Pitre, Kushner, Raine, and Hegadoren; Stevens). Still, as Kristin Langellier...


Toronto, ON
