The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



4-Cycle Coverings of the Complete Graph With a Hole, Robert Gardner, Scott LaVoie, and Chau Nguyen (2010)


70 U.S. Veterans with Gender Identity Disturbances: A Descriptive Study, Everett McDuffie and George R. Brown (2010)


A Brain-Computer Interface for Long-Term Independent Home Use, Eric W. Sellers, Theresa M. Vaughan, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw (2010)


Absence of Consistent Diel Rhythmicity in Mated Honey Bee Queen Behavior, Jennifer N. Johnson, Emily Hardgrave, Curtis Gill, and Darrell Moore (2010)

A Characterization of Trees With Unique Minimum Double Dominating Sets, Mustapha Chellali and Teresa W. Haynes (2010)


A Comparative Study of Embedded and Anesthetized Zebrafish in Vivo on Myocardiac Calcium Oscillation and Heart Muscle Contraction, Brian S. Muntean, Christine M. Horvat, James H. Behler, Wissam A. AbouAlaiwi, Andromeda M. Nauli, Frederick E. Williams, and Surya M. Nauli (2010)


A Comparison of Braden Q, Garvin and Glamorgan Risk Assessment Scales in Paediatrics, Denis Anthony, Jane Willock, and Mona Baharestani (2010)


A Comparison of the Efficacy of an Appearance-Focused Skin Cancer Intervention Within Indoor Tanner Subgroups Identified by Latent Profile Analysis, Jerod Stapleton, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, June K. Robinson, and Beau Abar (2010)


A Comparison of Two Educational Methods on Immigrant Latinas Breast Cancer Knowledge and Screening Behaviors, José L. Calderón, Mohsen Bazargan, Nisaratana Sangasubana, Ron D. Hays, Patrick Hardigan, and Richard S. Baker (2010)


Acute Bilateral Ischemia of Fingers: An Unusual Complication of Temporal Arteritis, Warit Jithpratuck, William M. Wason, and Yasmin Elshenawy (2010)


Adsorption of Small Hydrocarbon Radicals on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes of Finite Length, Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2010)


A Fluorescein-Containing, Small-Molecule, Water-Soluble Receptor for Cytosine Free Bases, Yu L. Jiang, Puneet Patel, and Suzane M. Klein (2010)


A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Novel Loci Associated With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Ke Sheng Wang, Xue Feng Liu, and Nagesh Aragam (2010)


A Genome-Wide Quantitative Trait Loci Scan of Neurocognitive Performances in Families With Schizophrenia, Y. J. Lien, C. M. Liu, S. V. Faraone, M. T. Tsuang, H. G. Hwu, P. C. Hsiao, and W. J. Chen (2010)


A GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation Using Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Analyses, Arpita Nandi and A. Shakoor (2010)


A Group IIc-Type Intron Interrupts the rRNA Methylase Gene of Geobacillus stearothermophilus strain 10, Samuel E. Moretz and Bert C. Lampson (2010)


A Late Pleistocene Bird Community at the Northern Edge of the Tropics in Sonora, Mexico, David W. Steadman and Jim I. Mead (2010)


Aliphatic Hyperbranched Polyester: A New Building Block in the Construction of Multifunctional Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites, Santimukul Santra, Charalambos Kaittanis, and J. M. Perez (2010)


Allele-Specific Tumor Spectrum in Pten Knockin Mice, Hui Wang, Matt Karikomi, Shan Naidu, Ravi Rajmohan, Enrico Caserta, Hui Zi Chen, Maysoon Rawahneh, Julie Moffitt, Julie A. Stephens, Soledad A. Fernandez, Michael Weinstein, Danxin Wang, Wolfgang Sadee, Krista La Perle, Paul Stromberg, Thomas J. Rosol, Charis Eng, Michael C. Ostrowsk, and Gustavo Leone (2010)


Amphetamine Locomotor Sensitization and Conditioned Place Preference in Adolescent Male and Female Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole, Russell W. Brown, Marla K. Perna, Daniel M. Noel, Jamie D. Whittemore, Julia Lehmann, and Meredith L. Smith (2010)


Amplification of the RARA Gene in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Significant Finding or Coincidental Observation?, Anna D. Asleson, Vickie Morgan, Stephen Smith, and Gopalrao V. Velagaleti (2010)


A Multi-Phase Suzaku Study of τ Sco., Richard Ignace, L. Oskinova, M. Jardine, J. Cassinelli, D. Cohen, J.-F. Donati, R. Townsend, and A. ud-Doula (2010)


Ancient Forests and Grasslands in the Desert: Diet and Habitat of Late Pleistocene Mammals From Northcentral Sonora, Mexico, Elvis E. Nunez, Bruce J. Macfadden, Jim I. Mead, and Arturo Baez (2010)


A New Species of Ariaspis (Agnatha, Heterostraci) From the Late Silurian of the Canadian Arctic, David K. Elliott and Sandra Swift (2010)


Ankle Brachial Index as a Prognostic Tool for Women With Coronary Artery Disease, Tamera Lea Pearson


A Novel P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Stimulus Presentation Paradigm: Moving Beyond Rows and Columns, G. Townsend, B. K. LaPallo, C. B. Boulay, D. J. Krusienski, G. E. Frye, C. K. Hauser, N. E. Schwartz, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, and Eric W. Sellers


A Novel P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface Stimulus Presentation Paradigm: Moving Beyond Rows and Columns, G. Townsend, B. K. LaPallo, C. B. Boulay, D. J. Krusienski, G. E. Frye, C. K. Hauser, N. E. Schwartz, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, and Eric W. Sellers (2010)


Antioxidant Liposomes Protect Against CEES-Induced Lung Injury by Decreasing SAF-1/MAZ-Mediated Inflammation in the Guinea Pig Lung, Sutapa Mukhopadhyay, Shyamali Mukherjee, Bimal K. Ray, Alpana Ray, William L. Stone, and Salil K. Das (2010)


A Phenomenological Exploration of Reflections on Lived Space by Child Sexual Abusers, Linda H. Garrett (2010)


A Predictive Model for Secondary RNA Structure Using Graph Theory and a Neural Network, Denise R. Koessler, Debra J. Knisley, Jeff Knisley, and Teresa Haynes (2010)


A Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Approach to Teaching Medicinal Chemistry, Stacy D. Brown (2010)


Are 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Adequately Monitors Following Evidence of Vitamin D Insufficiency in Veterans?, Alan N. Peiris, Beth A. Bailey, Todd Manning, and Les N. Peiris (2010)


Assessing Medical Decision Making Using Human Patient Simulation, Beth A. Fox (2010)


Assessing Operational Effectiveness in Healthcare Organizations: A Systematic Approach, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Yousef Yasin (2010)


Assessment and Self-Injury: Implications for Counselors, Laurie M. Craigen, Amanda C. Healey, Cynthia T. Walley, Rebekah Byrd, and Jennifer Schuster (2010)


Assessment of Pregnancy Cigarette Smoking and Factors That Predict Denial, Beth A. Bailey and Heather N. Wright (2010)


Association of RS2200733 but Not RS10033464 on 4q25 With Atrial Fibrillation Based on the Recessive Model in a Taiwanese Population, Kun T. Lee, Hi Y. Yeh, Chung P. Tung, Chih S. Chu, Kai H. Cheng, Wei C. Tsai, Ye Hsu Lu, Jan G. Chang, Sheng H. Sheu, and Wen T. Lai (2010)


A Suicidal Patient in the Burn Unit, Steven J. Baumrucker, Joanne E. Sheldon, Matt Stolick, Karrie A. Oertli, Dianne Harrington, Greg Carter, and Gerald M. Morris (2010)


Atherosclerosis-Related Functions of C-Reactive Protein, Alok Agrawal, David J. Hammond, and Sanjay K. Singh (2010)


Autocastration and Autopenectomy as Surgical Self-Treatment in Incarcerated Persons With Gender Identity Disorder, George R. Brown (2010)


Beckett's "Happy Days": Rewinding and Revolving Histories, Katherine Weiss (2010)


Beta-Arrestin 2 Modulates Resveratrol-Induced Apoptosis and Regulation of Akt/GSK3β Pathways, Xiuli Sun, Yi Zhang, Jianliu Wang, Lihui Wei, Hui Li, Gregory Hanley, Miaoqing Zhao, Yi Li, and Deling Yin (2010)


Bhutan National Storytelling Conference: Introduction to the Special Issue, Joseph Sobol (2010)


Binge Drinking Among Male Mexican Immigrants in Rural North Carolina, Sharon Loury, Elizabeth Jesse, and Qiang Wu (2010)

Biological Distance Among Victims of Ritual Violence From a Postclassic Maya Temple, William N. Duncan (2010)

BMI Percentile a potential tool for predicting pediatric obstructive sleep apnea, Shane Keene, Ricky Mohon, Donald Samples, Douglas Masini, and Randy Byington (2010)


Candida Glabrata Liver Abscess and Fungemia Complicating Severe Calculus Cholecystitis in an Immunocompetent Nondiabetic Host, Raquel Lima, Wael Shams, Sumit Kalra, and Thomas Borthwick (2010)


Can Followers Overcome Pioneers? the Role of Superior Alignable Differences in Consumer Evaluation of Brand Extensions, Beichen Liang, Joseph Cherian, and Wei Fu (2010)


Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 (CB2) Deficiency Alters Atherosclerotic Lesion Formation in Hyperlipidemic Ldlr-Null Mice, Courtney D. Netherland, Theresa G. Pickle, Alicia Bales, and Douglas P. Thewke (2010)


Cardiovascular Risk in Minority and Underserved Women in Appalachian Tennessee: A Descriptive Study, Tamera L. Pearson (2010)


Carnassial Microwear and Dietary Behaviour in Large Carnivorans, B. W. Schubert, P. S. Ungar, and L. R. DeSantis (2010)


Carnivoran Dental Microwear Textures: Comparability of Carnassial Facets and Functional Differentiation of Postcanine Teeth, Peter S. Ungar, Jessica R. Scott, Blaine W. Schubert, and Deano D. Stynder (2010)


Case Study: Atropine &Amp; The Bradycardia Patient. Questioning the Need for Medical Interventions Is Key to Patient Care., Stewart A. Stancil (2010)


Chair of Surgery, Carol Scott-Conner and Mary Hooks (2010)


Characterization of Roadway Stormwater System Residuals for Reuse and Disposal Options, Yong C. Jang, Pradeep Jain, Thabet Tolaymat, Brajesh Dubey, Shrawan Singh, and Timothy Townsend (2010)


Childhood Experiences of Incarcerated Male Child Sexual Abusers, Linda H. Garrett (2010)


Chlamydia Trachomatis Persistence in Vitro: An Overview, Priscilla B. Wyrick


Chromatin Insulators Specifically Associate With Different Levels of Higher-Order Chromatin Organization in Drosophila, Heather A. Wallace, Maria P. Plata, Hyuck J. Kang, Misty Ross, and M. Labrador (2010)


Clarification of the Taxonomic Relationship of the Extant and Extinct Ovibovids, Ovibos, Praeovibos, Euceratherium and Bootherium, Paula F. Campos, Andrei Sher, Jim I. Mead, Alexei Tikhonov, Michael Buckley, Matthew Collins, Eske Willerslev, and M. T. Gilbert (2010)


Clinical Images: Spontaneous Rectus Sheath Hematoma., Gerson Valdez and Roger Smalligan (2010)


Clinical Inquiries, Management of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, Janet Ricks, William H. Repolgle, and Nakia J. Cook (2010)


Close the Online Class Divide, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes (2010)


Clot Formation in Canine Whole Blood as Measured by Rotational Thromboelastometry Is Influenced by Sample Handling and Coagulation Activator, Stephanie A. Smith, Maureen McMichael, Alyssa Galligan, Shir Gilor, and Crystal M. Hoh (2010)


Coadministration of Adenoviral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Angiopoietin-1 Enhances Vascularization and Reduces Ventricular Remodeling in the Infarcted Myocardium of Type 1 Diabetic Rats, Samson M. Samuel, Yuzo Akita, Debayon Paul, Mahesh Thirunavukkarasu, Lijun Zhan, Perumana R. Sudhakaran, Chuanfu Li, and Nilanjana Maulik (2010)


Combination of Scanning Electro N Microscopy in the Characterization of a Nanometer-Sized Electrode and Current Fluctuation Observed at a Nanometer-Sized Electrode, Isaac Agyekum, Christopher Nimley, Chenxi Yang, and Peng Sun (2010)


Community Members as Recruiters of Human Subjects: Ethical Considerations, Christian Simon and Maghboeba Mosavel (2010)


Comparative Activity of Telavancin and Other Antimicrobial Agents Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates Collected From 1991 to 2006, Wael Shams, Elaine S. Walker, Foster Levy, Scott A. Reynolds, Shalena M. Peterson, and Felix A. Sarubbi (2010)


Comparative Biomechanical Effectiveness of Over-the-Counter Devices for Individuals With a Flexible Flatfoot Secondary to Forefoot Varus, Wendy J. Hurd, Steven J. Kavros, and Kenton R. Kaufman (2010)


Comparative Dating of a Bison-Bearing Late-Pleistocene Deposit, Térapa, Sonora, Mexico, Jordon Bright, Darrell S. Kaufman, Steven L. Forman, William C. McIntosh, Jim I. Mead, and Arturo Baez (2010)


Comparative Pollen Morphology of Brachylena, Tarchananthus and Two Species of Tubulifloridites (Asteraceae) From the Eocene, Knysna Lignite of South Africa, Michael S. Zavada and Timothy K. Lowrey (2010)


Comparative Variability of Intermembranous and Endochondral Bones in Pleistocene Mammals, Kristina R. Raymond and Donald R. Prothero (2010)


Comparing the Standardized Live Trauma Patient and the Mechanical Simulator Models in the ATLS Initial Assessment Station, Jameel Ali, Julie Dunn, Martin Eason, and Jacob Drumm (2010)


Comparison of Depressive Symptom Severity Scores in Low-Income Women, Shawn M. Kneipp, John A. Kairalla, Jeanne M. Stacciarini, Deidre Pereira, and M. D. Miller (2010)


Comparison of Parenteral Iron Sucrose and Ferric Chloride During Erythropoietin Therapy of Haemodialysis Patients: Original Article, Chih Jen Wu, Hsin C. Lin, Kun F. Lee, Chih K. Chuang, Yi C. Chen, and Han H. Chen (2010)


Competition Between Discrete Random Variables, With Applications to Occupancy Problems, Julia Eaton, Anant P. Godbole, and Betsy Sinclair (2010)


Comprehensive Integrated Spirometry Using Raised Volume Passive and Forced Expirations and Multiple-Breath Nitrogen Washout in Infants, Mohy G. Morris (2010)


Concrete Thinking or Ideographic Language: Which Is the Reason for Chinese People's Higher Imagery-Generation Abilities?, Beichen Liang, Joseph Cherian, and Yili Liu (2010)


Consecutive Covering Arrays and a New Randomness Test, A. P. Godbole, M. V. Koutras, and F. S. Milienos (2010)


Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Planktonic Form and Biofilms: A Biocidal Efficacy Study of Nonthermal Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma, Suresh G. Joshi, Michelle Paff, Gary Friedman, Greg Fridman, Alexander Fridman, and Ari D. Brooks (2010)


Conversion of Rapeseed Cake Into Bio-Fuel in a Batch Reactor: Effect of Catalytic Vapor Upgrading, Kanellina Giannakopoulou, Michael Lukas, Aleksey Vasiliev, Christoph Brunner, and Hans Schnitzer (2010)


Corticosterone up-Regulates Expression and Function of Norepinephrine Transporter in SK-N-BE(2)C Cells, Zhongwen Sun, Yan Fan, Qinqin Zha, and Meng Y. Zhu (2010)


Counselor Education and Supervision Golden Anniversary Publication Pattern Review: Author and Article Characteristics From 1985 to 2009, Stephanie Crockett, Rebekah Byrd, Bradley Erford, and Danica Hays (2010)


Critical Role of Toll-Like Receptor 9 in Morphine and Mycobacterium Tuberculosis-Induced Apoptosis in Mice, Lin Chen, Wanliang Shi, Hui Li, Xiuli Sun, Xionglin Fan, Gene LeSage, Hui Li, Yi Li, Yi Zhang, Xiumei Zhang, Ying Zhang, and Deling Yin (2010)


Cross-Cultural Differences in the Effects of Abstract and Concrete Thinking on Imagery Generation and Ad Persuasion, Beichen Liang and Joseph Cherian (2010)


Culture Distance and Foreign Equity Ownership in International Joint Ventures: Evidence From China, Qiangbing Chen, Yali Liu, and Lu Jiang (2010)


Cycle Training Increased GLUT4 and Activation of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin in Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers, Charles A. Stuart, Mary E. A. Howell, Jonathan D. Baker, Rhesa J. Dykes, Michelle M. Duffourc, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2010)


Cylindrical Nanopore Electrode and Its Application to the Study of Electrochemical Reaction in Several Hundred Attoliter Volume, Peng Sun (2010)


Cytomegalovirus Infection After Liver Transplantation, Raymund R. Razonable (2010)


Cytosolic Phospholipase a2 Activation by Candida albicans in Alveolar Macrophages: Role of Dectin-1, Rajinder P. Parti, Robyn Loper, Gordon D. Brown, Siamon Gordon, Philip R. Taylor, Joseph V. Bonventre, Robert C. Murphy, David L. Williams, and Christina C. Leslie (2010)


DAPK1 Interaction with NMDA Receptor NR2B Subunits Mediates Brain Damage in Stroke, Weihong Tu, Xin Xu, Lisheng Peng, Xiaofen Zhong, Wenfeng Zhang, Mangala M. Soundarapandian, Cherine Balel, Manqi Wang, Nali Jia, Wen Zhang, Frank Lew, Sic Lung Chan, Yanfang Chen, and Youming Lu (2010)


Death, Dying, and Statistics: Quality Measures Versus Quality of Life, Steven J. Baumrucker, Matt Stolick, Gregory T. Carter, Tiffany M. Lasky, Joanne E. Sheldon, Dianne Harrington, William H. Messerschmidt, Karrie A. Oertli, and Gerald M. Morris (2010)


De/Limiting Emptiness and the Boundaries of the Ineffable, Douglas S. Duckworth (2010)


Depression Screening Patterns for Women in Rural Health Clinics, Fred Tudiver, Joellen B. Edwards, and Deborah T. Pfortmiller (2010)


Dercum's Disease: An Unusual Presentation, Semann Kosseifi, Ervin Anaya, Goutham Dronovalli, and Stuart Leicht (2010)


Developing Student Collaborations Across Disciplines, Distances, and Institutions, Jeff Knisley and Esfandiar Behravesh (2010)


Dexamethasone Attenuated Bupivacaine-Induced Neuron Injury in Vitro Through a Threonine-Serine Protein kinase B-Dependent Mechanism, R. Ma, X. Wang, C. Lu, C. Li, Y. Cheng, G. Ding, L. Liu, and Z. Ding (2010)


Dietary Bioflavonoids Inhibit Escherichia Coli ATP Synthase in a Differential Manner, Nagababu Chinnam, Prasanna K. Dadi, Shahbaaz A. Sabri, Mubeen Ahmad, M. A. Kabir, and Zulfiqar Ahmad (2010)


Direct-to-Consumer Advertising for Urological Pharmaceuticals: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Print Media, Craig Folsom, Susan F. Fesperman, Bayo Tojuola, Shahnaz Sultan, and Philipp Dahm (2010)


Dispensing Rates of Four Common Hearing Aid Product Features: Associations With Variations in Practice Among Audiologists, Earl E. Johnson and Todd A. Ricketts (2010)


Diverse Supernatural Portfolios: Certitude, Exclusivity, and the Curvilinear Relationship Between Religiosity and Paranormal Beliefs, Joseph O. Baker and Scott Draper (2010)