"Effects of Amino Acid Sequence Insertion on the Substrate Preference o" by Benjamin M. Tolliver, Devaiah P. Shivakumar et al.

Effects of Amino Acid Sequence Insertion on the Substrate Preference of a Citrus Paradisi Glucosyltransferase

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Glucosyltransferases (GTs) are enzymes which perform glucosylation reactions, which involve attaching a UDP-activated glucose molecule to acceptor molecules specifi c to the enzyme. The enzyme which our lab focuses its research on is a fl avonol-specifi c 3-OGT found in Citrus paradisi, or grapefruit (Cp3GT). This enzyme is part of the class of enzymes known as fl avonoid GTs, which are responsible for, among other things, the formation of compounds which can affect the taste of citrus. Our lab focuses its research on performing site-directed mutagenesis on Cp3GT in an attempt to discover the residues important for substrate and regiospecifi city. In this study, we are testing the basis of substrate septicity of Cp3GT. We hypothesize that incorporation of fi ve amino acids specifi c to Citrus sinensis GT (CsGT) into Cp3GT at 308th position may facilitate mCp3GT to use anthocyanidins as one of the substrates. We report our fi ndings thus far concerning the addition of specifi c residues to the Cp3GT’s amino acid sequence based on an alignment with the sequence of a putative fl avonoid GT found in Citrus sinensis.


Raleigh, NC

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