The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Book Contributions
Case Apprach to Family Therapy, M. E. Moline and James Robert Bitter (2012)
Case Approach to Adlerian Therapy, James Robert Bitter and William G. Nicoll (2012)
Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and OnlineAppendices (The Many Forms of Art), Jane Tingle Broderick and Shirley C. Raines (2012)
Chronic Disease, Stacey L. Williams and E. Fekete (2012)
Clinical Evaluation of BCIs, Theresa M. Vaughan, Eric W. Sellers, and Jonathan R. Wolpaw (2012)
Communication in Culturally Diverse Families, Stacey L. Williams, S. Gaines, and K. D. Michelson (2012)
Decision Time in Noir Westerns After World War II, Kenneth Estes Hall (2012)
Documenting the Holocaust in Orson Welles's the Stranger, Jennifer L. Barker (2012)
Editing an Anthology, Amber E. Kinser (2012)
Family Systems Therapy, James Robert Bitter and Gerald Corey (2012)
Foster Care and Adoption, Jill D. McCarley and Christina G. Weston (2012)
From Self- Alienation to Posthumanism: The Transmigration of the Burroughsian Subject, Micheal Sean Bolton (2012)
Health Care Systems, Joel A. Halverson, Gilbert H. Friedell, Eleanor Sue Cantrell, and Bruce A. Behringer (2012)
Home School Programs, Andrea D. Clements (2012)
Identity Theories and Technology, Robert Andrew Dunn (2012)
Installation of Hope in Bereavement Groups for the Elderly, Mark A. Cohen (2012)
Introduction to Personality, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2012)
Methods for Confirmatory Analysis of Methamphetamine in Biological Samples, Stacy D. Brown (2012)
Never Mind the Scholar, Here’s the Old Punk: Identity, Community, and the Aging Music Fan, Andrew F. Herrmann (2012)
Noradrenergic Dysfunction in Depression and Suicide, Michelle J. Chandley and Gregory A. Ordway (2012)
Opening Ways of Transformation, Gail Stenstad (2012)
Paleontology of Caves, Blaine W. Schubert and Jim I. Mead (2012)
Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacogenetics, Robert M. Ward, Steven E. Kern, and Ralph A. Lugo (2012)
Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health, Loren Toussaint, Jon R. Webb, and Whitney Keltner (2012)
Still Holding at the Seams: Magnolia Electric Co.'s Josephine and the Contemporary Poetic Sequence, Jesse Graves (2012)
Strength and Conditioning for Sport, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2012)
Substance Abuse, Michael S. Dunn, Bruce A. Behringer, and Kristine H. Bowers (2012)
Targeted Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention Trial With Tocotrienols, William L. Stone, Victoria P. Ramsauer, Sharon E. Campbell, and Koymangalath Krishnan (2012)
Temporomandibular Joint Injury, Daniel Lewis (2012)
Test Bank, Amy J. Malkus (2012)
Test Bank, Amy J. Malkus (2012)
The Cost of an Education: Exploring the Extended Reach of Academe in Family Life, Amber E. Kinser (2012)
The Depth of Rural Health Disparities in America: ABCDE's, James Florence, Robert P. Pack, Jodi L. Southerland, and Randolph F. Wykoff (2012)
The Manifest Content of Pornography, Dan Brown and Jennings Bryant (2012)
The Noradrenergic System in Depression and Suicide, Michelle J. Chandley and Gregory A. Ordway (2012)
The Role of Vitamin E in Prostate Cancer, William L. Stone, Sharon E. Campbell, and Koyamangalath Krishnan (2012)
Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Disorders, Jacqueline Rhoads, Patrick J.M. Murphy, and Jo-Ann Marrs (2012)
Uses of Pornography, Jennings Bryant and Dan Brown (2012)
Utilizing the Group to Counter Negative Identifications in Patients Finding Their Own Voice, David Cantor (2012)
Advanced Members of the Ailuridae (Lesser or Red Pandas - Subfamily Ailurinae), Steven C. Wallace (2011)
Biohistory and Cranial Morphology: A Forensic Case From Spanish Colonial Georgia, Christopher M. Stojanowski and William N. Duncan (2011)
Classification and Causation of Zombification, and Guidelines for Risk Reduction and Management, Tony Contento (2011)
Counter Revolutionary Programs: Social Catholicism and the Cristeros, Daniel Newcomer (2011)
Dissociative Disorders, Judy A. Rice (2011)
Early Communication Assessment and Intervention, Nancy J. Scherer and Brenda Louw (2011)
Emotion, Experience, and Early Recollections: Exploring Restorative Reorientations in Adlerian Therapy, James R. Bitter and J. Graham Disque (2011)
Homework Assignments: Eavesdropping to Enhance Social Skills, Clifton Mitchell
Human Conversations: Self-Disclosure and Storytelling in Adlerian Family Therapy, James Robert Bitter and Rebekah J. Byrd (2011)
Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases of Salivary Glands, Mousa A. Al-Abbadi, Wael N. Zakaria, and Isam A. Eltoum (2011)
Insights Into the Function of Prenylation From Nuclear Lamin Farnesylation, Michael Sinensky (2011)
Instructor's Manual, Amy J. Malkus (2011)
Integrating Narrative Therapy with Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment: A Case Study, J. Graham Disque and James R. Bitter (2011)
Intellectual Disability in the Family, Wendy M. Nehring (2011)
Love is a Battlefield: Lizzie Alsop’s Flirtation with the Confederacy, Steven E. Nash
Masters of Their Domain: Seinfeld and the Discipline of Mediated Men's Sexual Economy, C. Wesley Buerkle (2011)
Metastases and Rare Primary Neoplasms of Salivary Glands, Mousa A. Al-Abbadi (2011)
Neurofeedback With Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study, Roger J. DeBeus and David A. Kaiser (2011)
Obama's Masculinities: A Landscape of Essential Contradictions, Marc E. Shaw and Elwood Watson (2011)
On the Essence and Origin of Character: An Introduction, James Robert Bitter (2011)
Pleomorphic Adenoma, Jining Feng and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi (2011)
Polymorphous Low-Grade Carcinoma, Jerzy Klijanienko and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi (2011)
Problem Solving in the Life Cycles of Multicellular Organisms: Immunology and Cancer, Niall Shanks and Rebecca A. Pyles (2011)
Resistance Training Modes: a Practical Perspective, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2011)
Salivary Duct Carcinoma, Jerzy Klijanienko and Mousa A. Al-Abbadi (2011)
Stem Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration: The Chinese Experience, Race L. Kao, Tuanzhu Ha, Chuanfu Li, Xiang Gao, Fumin Zhang, Zhijian Yiang, Yijiang Chen, and Wenzhu Ma (2011)
Techniques for Managing Silence in Therapy, Clifton Mitchell (2011)
The Associations of Competitive Trait Anxiety and Personal Control With Burnout in Sport, Mark W. Aoyagi, Kevin L. Burke, A. Barry Joyner, Charles J. Hardy, and Michelle S. Hamstra (2011)
The Efficacy of Continuing Education Technology for Public Health Physicians Practicing in Remote Areas, Gregory C. Petty and Deborah H. Joyner (2011)
Warthin's Tumor, Mousa A. Al-Abbadi (2011)
What’s Next? Options After Residency Training, John B. Bossaer and M. Decoske (2011)
A New Frontier: Historians, Appalachian History, and the Aftermath of the Civil War, Andrew L. Slap (2010)
China’s Leadership Succession and Change, Weixing Chen (2010)
Complexity Approaches To Intervention, Elise Baker and A. Lynn Williams (2010)
Computer-Based Interventions, Y. Wren, S. Roulstone, and A. Lynn Williams (2010)
Direct Speech Production Interventions, A. Lynn Williams, Sharynne McLeod, and R. J. McCauley (2010)
Disorders Usually Presenting in Infancy or Early Childhood 0-5 Years Age, Jacqueline Rhoads and Jo-Ann Marrs (2010)
Dissociative Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, Jacqueline Rhoads and Jo-Ann Marrs (2010)
Down Syndrome, Wendy M. Nehring and Cecily L. Betz (2010)
“… gentle light unfading…”: Claire-Lise Holy and “Neither”, Katherine Weiss (2010)
Historical Perspective and Emerging Trends, Wendy M. Nehring (2010)
Infections of the Central Nervous System, Steven L. Berk and James W. Myers (2010)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, S. A. Faux and Wendy M. Nehring (2010)
Interventions For Achieving Speech Movements, R. J. McCauley, A. Lynn Williams, and Sharynne McLeod (2010)
Interventions For Speech Sound Disorders In Children: Future Directions, R. J. McCauley, A. Lynn Williams, and Sharynne McLeod (2010)
Introduction, Marc A. Fagelson (2010)
Introduction to Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children, A. Lynn Williams, Sharynne McLeod, and R. J. McCauley (2010)
Mast Cell Regulation of Cardiovascular Inflammation I: Cognate and Non-Cognate Interactions, Smita Negi, Ahmad Halawa, David S. Chi, Christopher Miller, Fred E. Hossler, George Youngberg, David A. Johnson, and Guha Krishnaswamy (2010)
Mast Cell Regulation of Cardiovascular Inflammation II: Infection and Innate Immunity, Smita Negi, Ahmad Halawa, Christopher Miller, David S. Chi, Fred E. Hossler, Guha Krishnaswamy, and Krishnaswamy Guha (2010)
Multiple Oppositions Intervention, A. Lynn Williams (2010)
Negotiating a Personal Pedagogy for Teacher Education: An Ever-Renewed Adventure of Hope, Lori T. Meier (2010)
Quality Learning Environments in the Primary School: Incorporating Best Practices to Engage Learners, Pamela Evanshen (2010)
Self-Assembled Monolayers, Frank Hagelberg (2010)
Speech Interventions in Broader Contexts, Sharynne McLeod, R. J. McCauley, and A. Lynn Williams (2010)
Stimulability Intervention, M. W. Miccio and A. Lynn Williams (2010)
Supervising School Counselors: Focusing On The “Other Skills.” Voices from the Field, Janna L. Scarborough (2010)
Tardigrada, Diane R. Nelson, Roberto Guidetti, and Lorena Rebecchi (2010)
Test Item File, Amy J. Malkus (2010)
The Gleam in Bre, Terri B. Schreiner (2010)
The Lost Cause That Wasn't: East Tennessee and the Myth of Unionist Appalachia, Tom Lee (2010)
The Mortuary Assemblage From the Holliston Mills Site, a Mississippian Town in Upper East Tennessee, Jay D. Franklin, Elizabeth K. Price, and Lucinda M. Langston (2010)