Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Health-Related Quality of Life and Future Care Planning Among Older Adults: Exploring the Role of Hope as a Moderator, Jodi L. Southerland
Liar's Domination in Grid Graphs, Christopher Kent Sterling
Leadership Traits of School Health Coordinators in Tennessee, Katherine Andrea Strickland
Role of Therapeutic Devices in Enhancing Speech Intelligibility and Vocal Intensity in an Individual with Parkinson’s Disease, Swetha Swaminathan
The Impact on Student Learning Outcomes of Video When Used as a Primary Teaching Tool in the Internet Hybrid Classroom, Richard Sykes
Psychological Distress as Mediator Between Perceived Stigma and Relationship Satisfaction Among Sexual Minorities, Desta Amber Alyse Taylor
Rural Appalachian Health Care Providers' Perceived Barriers to Intimate Partner Violence Screening in Primary Care, Jamie Tedder
Advancing Global Tobacco Control: Exploring Worldwide Youth Attitudes and Behaviors toward Tobacco Use and Control, Sreenivas Phanikumar Veeranki
Health-Related Quality of Life in the Working Uninsured: Conditional Indirect Effects Of Perceived Stigma via Vitality and Interpersonal Needs, Preston Lee Visser
Childhood Factors Affecting Aggressive Behaviors, Nicole Danielle Waddell
Expectations and Experiences of Fathers Who Have Parented Children With and Without Intellectual Disabilities, Jane Christina Kusmik Walker
Digital Illustration: The Costume Designer’s Process For East Tennessee State University’s Spring Dance Concert 2012, Christine Michele Waxstein
A Measurement of Readiness for Tennessee Hospitals to Implement “Meaningful Use” Criteria Resulting from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009, Kathryn Wallin Wilhoit
Content Analysis of Sports Illustrated Articles Depicting Women's and Men's College Basketball, Kalah Wilson
Effects of Burn Injury on Biological Ethanol and Ethyl Glucuronide Concentrations, Trista Haupt Wright
A Consensus Model for Electroencephalogram Data Via the S-Transform, Andrew Coady Young
Support for Higher Education: Perceptions of Selected University Administrators and Legislators in Tennessee, Deidre Lee Yowell
Adventures in the Classroom Creating Role-Playing Games Based on Traditional Stories for the High School Curriculum, Csenge Virág Zalka
The Frame of Social Media in Academic and Industry, Weiwen Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Extreme Variation in the Sagittal Crest of Tapirus polkensis (Mammalia Perissodactyla) at the Gray Fossil Site Northeastern TN., Aaron Randall Abernethy
The Nationalism of Joachim Meyer: An Analysis of German Pride in his Fighting Manual of 1570., William Charles Adamson
Comparative Study of Reading First Schools Reading Achievement to Non-Reading First Schools., Wandaleen Adams
Modified Organoclay Containing Chelating Ligand for Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Solution., Mary Akuyea Addy
Electrochemical Studies of Reactions in Small Volumes Less Than 1 Femto Litres., Isaac Agyekum
Comparison of Time Series and Functional Data Analysis for the Study of Seasonality., Jake Allen
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Crayfish Hemocytes., Sarah Kathryn Allen
Solving the Differential Equation for the Probit Function Using a Variant of the Carleman Embedding Technique., Kelechukwu Iroajanma Alu
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Major Depressive Disorder and Its Related Phenotypes., Nagesh Ramarao Aragam
The Gastonia Novels and Ecofeminism: Rereading the Works of Fielding Burke Grace Lumpkin and Myra Page., Amanda Leigh Aubrey
The Digital Folklore Project: Tracking the Oral Tradition on the World Wide Web., Jasen Bacon
Self-Regulated Learning in an Introductory Undergraduate Accounting Course., Lana L. Becker
Manipulating Paradigm and Attention via a Mindfulness Meditation Training Program Improves P300-Based BCI., Daniel Ryan Berry
The Rage of the Wolf: Metamorphosis and Identity in Medieval Werewolf Tales., Jessica Lynne Bettini
A Case Study of the Effects of a Web Interface Redesign Based on Usability Guidelines., Paromita Bhattacharya
Implementation of a New Sigmoid Function in Backpropagation Neural Networks., Jeffrey A. Bonnell
Isolation of a Rhodococcus Soil Bacterium that Produces a Strong Antibacterial Compound., Ralitsa Bogomilova Borisova
A Slide in Mediated Perceptions: Pit Bulls and Collateral Fallout in the Vick Trial., Brandon Chase Bouchillon
Does Decertification Work? Outcome Analysis of the National Football Leagues Negotiated Order (1986-2008)., Matthew Bowers
Community Perceptions of Prescription Drug Abuse in Eastern Kentucky., Ashley Marie Browning
Perceptions of the Implementation of the Online Credit Recovery Dropout Prevention and Alternative Education Program Odyssey Ware In Lee County Virginia Public Schools., Vickie McConnell Brown
A Comparison between READ 180 Students and Non-READ 180 Students Reading and Math Scores by Classroom Structure., Amanda C. Cannon
Alternative Scheduling in the Middle School: Considering Circadian Rhythms., James Edward Carter
Race and Anomie: A Comparison of Crime Among Rural Whites and Urban Blacks Based on Social Structural Conditions., Mical Dominique Carter
Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be: America Attempts to Collect its War Debts 1922-1934., James Chambers
Role of SABP2 in Tobacco Non-Host Resistance., Pavan Chandra Chigurupati
Lessons Learned in Project Management of Repurposing an Obsolete Facility for Today's Use., Yolanda Covington Childs
Inhibition of Escherichia coli ATP Synthase Using Bioflavonoids., Naga babu Chinnam
Internship Experiences for Aspiring Principals: Student Perceptions and Effectiveness., Ginger R. Christian