Physics and Astronomy Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Physics and Astronomy Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Electron Spin Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Study of X-Irradiated Deoxyadenosine: Proton Transfer Behavior of Primary Ionic Radicals, William H. Nelson, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, and David M. Close (1998)


Radiation Damage to DNA Base Pairs. II. Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of 1-Methyluracil·9-Ethyladenine Complex Crystals X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1998)


Spectroscopy of Mira Variables at Different Phases, Michael W. Castelaz and Donald G. Luttermoser (1997)


Where Are the Sugar Radicals in Irradiated DNA?, David M. Close (1997)


Radiation Damage to DNA Base Pairs. I. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Study of Single Crystals of the Complex 1-Methylthymine·9-Methyladenine X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli Olaug Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1996)


ESR and ENDOR Study of Single Crystals of Deoxyadenosine Monohydrate X- Irradiated at 10 K, D. M. Close, W. H. Nelson, E. Sagstuen, and E. O. Hole (1994)


Radical Ions and Their Reactions in DNA Constituents: ESR/ENDOR Studies of Radiation Damage in the Solid State, D. M. Close (1993)


Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations of DNA Bases and Their Radical Ions in Various Protonation States: Evidence for Proton Transfer in GC Base Pair Radical Anions, Anny O. Colson, Brent Besler, David M. Close, and Michael D. Sevilla (1992)


Protonation State of Radiation-Produced Cytosine Anions and Cations in the Solid State. EPR/ENDOR of Cytosine Monohydrate Single Crystals X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1992)


Radiation-Induced Free-Radical Formation in Thymine Derivatives. EPR/ENDOR of Anhydrous Thymine Single Crystals X-Irradiated at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1992)


Primary Reduction and Oxidation of Thymine Derivatives. ESR/ENDOR of Thymidine and 1-Methylthymine X-Irradiated at 10 K, Eli O. Hole, Einar Sagstuen, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1991)


ESR and ENDOR Study of Adenosine Single Crystals X-Irradiated at 10 K, D. M. Close and W. H. Nelson (1989)


Free Radical Formation in Single Crystals of 2'Deoxyguanosine 5'Monophosphate, and Guanine Hydrobromide Monohydrate After X-Irradiation at 10 and 65 K: An Esr, Endor and Fse Study, Eli O. Hole, Einar Sagstuen, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1989)


Radiation Chemistry of Adenine Derivatives Following Direct Ionization in Solids: ESR and Endor Investigations, William H. Nelson, David M. Close, Einar Sagstuen, and Eli O. Hole (1989)


Free Radical Formation in Nucleosides and Nucleotides of Guanine: ESR and Endor of Guanosine 5'Monophosphate and Guanosine: Dimethylformamide X-Irradiated at 10k, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1989)


Structure of the Primary Reduction Product of Thymidine After X Irradiation at 10 K, Einar Sagstuen, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, and David M. Close (1989)


Radical Formation in X-Irradiated Single Crystals of Guanine Hydrochloride Monohydrate. III. Secondary Radicals and Reaction Mechanisms, D. M. Close, E. Sagstuen, and W. H. Nelson (1988)


ESR/ENDOR Study of Guanine · HCl · 2h2O X-Irradiated at 20k, W. H. Nelson, E. O. Hole, E. Sagstuen, and D. M. Close (1988)


Radical Formation in X-Irradiated Single Crystals of Guanine Hydrochloride Monohydrate. II. ESR and ENDOR in the Range 10-77 K, D. M. Close, W. H. Nelson, and E. Sagstuen (1987)



Magnetism in Carbon Nanostructures, Frank Hagelberg


Astro4U: An Introduction to the Science of the Cosmos, Richard Ignace


Electron Dynamics in Molecular Interactions: Principles and Applications, Frank Hagelberg


Astro4U: An Introduction to the Science of the Cosmos, Richard Ignace

Book Contributions

Self-Assembled Monolayers, Frank Hagelberg (2010)

Conference Proceedings


The Polstar High Resolution Spectropolarimetry MIDEX Mission, Paul A. Scowen, Ken Gayley, Coralie Neiner, Gopal Vasudevan, Robert Woodruff, Richard Ignace, Roberto Casini, Tony Hull, Alison Nordt, and H. Philip Stahl (2021)


The Outer Disk of the Classical Be Star ψ Per, Robert Klement, Anthony C. Carciofi, Thomas Rivinius, Lynn D. Matthews, Richard Ignace, and J. E. Bjorkman (2017)


"Blinded by the Lines: Mid-IR Spectra of Mira Variables Taken with Spitzer", Dana Baylis-Aguirre, Michelle J. Creech-Eakman, Donald G. Luttermoser, and Tina Gueth (2016)


The Outer Disk of the Classical Be Star ψ Per, Robert Klement, Alex C. Carciofi, Thomas Rivinius, Lynn D. Matthews, Richard Ignace, Jon E. Bjorkman, Rodrigo G. Vieira, Bruno C. Mota, Daniel M. Faes, and Stanislav Stefl (2016)


X-ray Diagnostics of Massive Star Winds, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, and D. P. Huenemoerder (2016)


High Resolution X-ray Spec- tra of WR 6, David Huenemoerder, K. Gayley, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Richard Ignace, J. Nichols, Lidia M. Oskinova, A. M.T. Pollock, and N. Schulz (2015)


Pulsation and Mass Loss Across the H-R Diagram: From OB Stars to Cepheids to Red Supergiants, Hilding R. Neilson (2014)


Asteroseismology, Standard Candles and the Hubble Constant: What Is the Role of Asteroseismology in the Era of Precision Cosmology?, Hilding R. Neilson, Marek Biesiada, Nancy Remage Evans, Marcella Marconi, Chow Choong Ngeow, and Daniel R. Reese (2014)


Pulsation Period Change & Amp; Classical Cepheids: Probing the Details of Stellar Evolution, Hilding R. Neilson, Alexandra C. Bisol, Ed Guinan, and Scott Engle (2014)


Long-Term Polarization Observations of Mira Variable Stars Suggest Asymmetric Structures, Hilding R. Neilson, Richard Ignace, and Gary D. Henson (2014)


Numerical Models for the Circumstellar Medium Around Betelgeuse, J. Mackey, S. Mohamed, H. R. Neilson, N. Langer, and D. M.A. Meyer (2013)


Occultation of Circular Polarization From Wind-Swept Fields, K. G. Gayley and Richard Ignace (2012)


Optical Polarization Observations of Epsilon Aurigae During the 2009-2011 Eclipse, Gary D. Henson, John Burdette, and Sharon Gray (2012)


Considerations of the Hanle and Zeeman Effects in Oblique Magnetic Rotators, Richard Ignace, K. T. Hole, J. P. Cassinelli, G. D. Henson, and K. G. Gayley (2012)


Polarization Variability Due to Clumps in the Winds of Wolf-Rayet Stars, Q. Li, J. P. Cassinelli, J. C. Brown, and Richard Ignace (2012)


τ Sco: The Discovery of the Clones, Véronique Petit, Derck L. Massa, Wagner L.F. Marcolino, Gregg A. Wade, and Richard Ignace (2011)


Multiwavelength Study of Pulsation and Dust Production in Mira Variables Using Optical Interferometry for Constraints, M. J. Creech-Eakman, J. Hora, Z. Ivezic, C. Jurgenson, D. Luttermoser, M. Marengo, A. Speck, R. Stencel, and R. R. Thompson (2009)


The Zeeman Effect in Hot-Star Winds With a Split Monopole Magnetic Field, K. G. Gayley and R. Ignace (2009)


Electron Transfer in Trimetal Nitride Metallofullerenes, Frank Hagelberg and Jianhua Wu (2009)

Magnetic Fields in Massive Stars, S. Hubrig, M. Schöller, M. Briquet, M. A. Pogodin, R. V. Yudin, J. F. González, T. Morel, P. De Cat, R. Ignace, P. North, G. Mathys, and G. J. Peters (2008)


Polarization and SEDs From Microlensing of Circumstellar Envelopes, Richard Ignace, Jon E. Bjorkman, and Christina Bunker (2008)


Model Calculations of Radiation-Induced Damage in Thymine Derivatives, David Close, Gareth Forde, Leonid Gorb, and Jerzy Leszczynski (2003)


Model Calculations of Radiation Induced Damage in 1-Methylthymine:9-Methyladenine, Yuhua Chen and David Close (2001)



Corrigendum To: The Remote Observatories of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (Sara) (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 133, 069201), William C. Keel, Terry Oswalt, Peter Mack, Gary Henson, Todd Hillwig, Daniel Batcheldor, Robert Berrington, Chris De Pree, Dieter Hartmann, Martha Leake, Javier Licandro, Brian Murphy, James Webb, and Matt A. Wood (2021)


Erratum: Asymmetric Shapes of Radio Recombination Lines From Ionized Stellar Winds (Revista Mexicana de Astronomia Y Astrofisica (2019) 55 (31)), R. Ignace (2020)


Erratum: Revealing the Structure of the Outer Disks of Be Stars(Astronomy and Astrophysics (2017) 601 (A74) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201629932), R. Klement, A. C. Carciofi, Th Rivinius, L. D. Matthews, R. G. Vieira, R. Ignace, J. E. Bjorkman, B. C. Mota, D. M. Faes, A. D. Bratcher, M. Curé, and S. Štefl (2020)


Corrigendum: Variability in X-Ray Line Ratios in Helium-Like Ions of Massive Stars: The Wind-Driven Case (Astronomy and Astrophysics (2019) 625 (A86) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834752), R. Ignace, Z. Damrau, and K. T. Hole (2019)


Erratum: 3.6 Years of Dirbe Near-Infrared Stellar Light Curves (ApJS (2010) 190(203)), Stephan D. Price, Beverly J. Smith, Thomas A. Kuchar, Donald R. Mizuno, and Kathleen E. Kraemer (2011)


Erratum: The Larson-Tinsley Effect in the UV: Interacting Versus "Normal" Spiral Galaxies (Astronomical Journal (2010) 140 (1975)), Beverly J. Smith and Curtis Struck (2011)



Comment on "a Fourier Transform Epr Study of Uracil and Thymine Radical Anions in Aqueous Solution" by J. M. Lü, J. Geimer, S. Naumov and D. Beckert, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2001, 3, 952, D. M. Close (2002)


ESR and ENDOR Study of the Guanine Cation: Secondary Product in 5′-dGMP, Eli O. Hole, William H. Nelson, David M. Close, and Einar Sagstuen (1987)


ESR Study of the Guanine Cation, David M. Close, Einar Sagstuen, and William H. Nelson (1985)

Oral Presentation

Detached Tidal Dwarf Galaxies, Mark Jones, Beverly J. Smith, and Mark Giroux


Prospect and Progress: New Experimental Searches for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations with Free Neutron Beams, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)


Status of the Los Alamos Room Temperature Neutorn Electric Dipole Moment Search, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)

UCNτ : Status and Implications of Current Results, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)

Spatial Extent of Diffuse X-Ray Emitting Regions in Major Merging Galaxies, Peter Wagstaff and Dr. Beverly J. Smith

Multi-Wavelength Statistics of Clumpy Galaxies, Isaiah Cox and Beverly J. Smith

Clumps and Clusters in Ring Galaxies, Taylor Dennis and Beverly J. Smith

Hot, Cold, and Warm Interstellar Gas in Galaxy Mergers, Brianne Dunn and Beverly J. Smith

A Study of the H-alpha Emission Line Shape in Beta Lyrae, Macon Magno and Richard Ignace

Precision Tests of the Standard Model with Ultracold Neutrons, Robert Pattie (2018)

UCNA/UCNA+, Robert Pattie (2018)

Astronomy in Denver: Polarization of Bow Shock Nebulae around Massive Stars, Joseph Shrestha, Jennifer L. Hoffman, Richard Ignace, and Hilding R. Neilson (2018)

Variable Polarization from Co-Rotating Interaction Regions in Massive Star Winds, Richard Ignace (2017)

A Deep X-ray Look at a Very Massive Star: HETGS Spectroscopy of the Blue Hypergiant Cyg OB2-12 (HIP 101364), David Huenemoerder, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Nobert S. Schulz, Hilding Neilson, and Tomer Shenar (2016)

Modeling the Variable Polarization of Epsilon Aurigae, Richard Ignace, Gary D. Henson, and William Asbury (2016)


Continuum Polarization in Circumstellar Media, Richard Ignace (2014)

Radio Emission from Macroclumps in Massive Star Winds, Richard Ignace (2014)

The Infrared Spectra of Mira Stars, Donald G. Luttermoser (2014)

High-Dispersion IR Spectroscopy of Mira Variables with the Spitzer IRS, Donald G. Luttermoser, Michelle J. Creech-Eakman, and Tina Gueth (2014)

Cepheid in the Eclipsing Binary System OGLE-LMC-CEP1812 is a Stellar Merger, Hilding Neilson and Richard Ignace (2014)

X-ray Emissions from Clump Bowshocks in Massive Star Winds, Richard Ignace, W. Waldron, and N. Cassinelli (2012)

X-Ray Line Emission from Weak Wind O-Stars, David Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, W. Hamann, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and W. Waldron (2011)


Early Magnetic B-Type Stars: X-ray Emission and Wind Properties, Lidia Oskinova, Helge Todt, Richard Ignace, John Brown, Joseph Cassinelli, and Wolf-Rainer Hamann (2011)

Linear Polarization Light Curves of Oblique Magnetic Rotators, Richard Ignace, K. Hole, J. Cassinelli, and G. Henson (2010)



Recent Progress in the Computational Study of Silicon and Germanium Clusters With Transition Metal Impurities, Ju G. Han and Frank Hagelberg (2009)


The Connection Between C-Reactive Protein and Atherosclerosis, Sanjay Singh, Madathilparambil V. Suresh, Bhavya Voleti, and Alok Agrawal (2008)


A Survey of Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope Sight Lines Through High-Velocity Cloud Complex C, Joseph A. Collins, J. Michael Shull, and Mark L. Giroux (2003)


The Atmosphere of Mira Variables: A View With the Hubble Space Telescope, Donald G. Luttermoser (2000)