Physics and Astronomy Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Physics and Astronomy Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Half-Metallic Devices from Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons with Transition Metal Guest Atoms, Frank Hagelberg, José Rodrigues Romero, Michael Probst, and Oleksiy Khavryuchenko (2021)


Modeling the Variable Polarization of ò Aurigae in and Out of Eclipse, Richard Ignace, Gary Henson, Hilding Neilson, and William Asbury (2021)


A Scaling Relationship for Non-thermal Radio Emission From Ordered Magnetospheres: From the Top of the Main Sequence to Planets, P. Leto, C. Trigilio, J. Krtička, L. Fossati, R. Ignace, M. E. Shultz, C. S. Buemi, L. Cerrigone, G. Umana, A. Ingallinera, C. Bordiu, I. Pillitteri, F. Bufano, L. M. Oskinova, C. Agliozzo, F. C., S. Riggi, and S. Loru (2021)


Correlated X-ray and Optical Variability in the O-type Supergiant ζ Puppis, Joy S. Nichols, Yaël Nazé, David P. Huenemoerder, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Nathan A. Miller, Jennifer Lauer, Richard Ignace, Ken Gayley, Tahina Ramiaramanantsoa, Lidia Oskinova, Wolf R. Hamann, Noel D. Richardson, Wayne L. Waldron, and Matthew Dahmer (2021)


The Colliding Winds of WR 25 in High-resolution X-Rays, Pragati Pradhan, David P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, A. M.T. Pollock, and Joy S. Nichols (2021)


Polarization Simulations of Stellar Wind Bow Shock Nebulae - II. The Case of Dust Scattering, Manisha Shrestha, Hilding R. Neilson, Jennifer L. Hoffman, Richard Ignace, and Andrew G. Fullard (2021)


A Deep Exposure in High Resolution X-Rays Reveals the Hottest Plasma in the ζ Puppis Wind, David P. Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, Nathan A. Miller, Kenneth G. Gayley, Wolf Rainer Hamann, Jennifer Lauer, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Yaël Nazé, Joy S. Nichols, Lidia Oskinova, Noel D. Richardson, and Wayne Waldron (2020)


Radio Variability From Corotating Interaction Regions Threading Wolf-Rayet Winds, Richard Ignace, Nicole St-Louis, and Raman K. Prinja (2020)


One-Electron Oxidation of ds(5′-GGG-3′) and ds(5′-G(8OG)G-3′) and the Nature of Hole Distribution: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study, Anil Kumar, Amitava Adhikary, Michael D. Sevilla, and David M. Close (2020)


Revealing the Double Nucleus of NGC 4490, Al Lawrence, C. R. Kerton, Curtis Struck, and Beverly J. Smith (2020)


The Auroral Radio Emission of the Magnetic B-Type Star ρ OphC, P. Leto, C. Trigilio, C. S. Buemi, F. Leone, I. Pillitteri, L. Fossati, F. Cavallaro, L. M. Oskinova, R. Ignace, J. Krtička, G. Umana, G. Catanzaro, A. Ingallinera, F. Bufano, S. Riggi, L. Cerrigone, S. Loru, F. Schilliró, C. Agliozzo, N. M. Phillips, M. Giarrusso, and J. Robrade (2020)


Evidence for Radio and X-Ray Auroral Emissions From the Magnetic B-Type Star ρ Oph A, P. Leto, C. Trigilio, F. Leone, I. Pillitteri, C. S. Buemi, L. Fossati, F. Cavallaro, L. M. Oskinova, R. Ignace, J. Krtička, G. Umana, G. Catanzaro, A. Ingallinera, F. Bufano, C. Agliozzo, N. M. Phillips, L. Cerrigone, S. Riggi, S. Loru, M. Munari, M. Gangi, M. Giarrusso, and J. Robrade (2020)


Chandra X-Ray Study Confirms That the Magnetic Standard Ap Star KQ Vel Hosts a Neutron Star Companion, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, Paolo Leto, and Konstantin A. Postnov (2020)


Non-Radially Pulsating Stars as Microlensing Sources, Sedighe Sajadian and Richard Ignace (2020)


Monte Carlo Simulations of Polarimetric and Light Variability From Corotating Interaction Regions in Hot Stellar Winds, Danny Carlos-Leblanc, Nicole St-Louis, Jon E. Bjorkman, and Richard Ignace (2019)


Comprehensive Model for X-Ray-Induced Damage in Protein Crystallography, David M. Close and William A. Bernhard (2019)


Variability in Post-AGB Stars: Pulsation in Proto-Planetary Nebulae, Bruce Hrivnak, Gary Henson, Griet Van De Steene, Hans Van Winckel, Todd Hillwig, and Matthew Bremer (2019)


Asymmetric Shapes of Radio Recombination Lines From Ionized Stellar Winds, R. Ignace (2019)


Asymmetric Shapes of Radio Recombination Lines from Ionized Stellar Winds, Richard Ignace (2019)


Variability in X-ray Line Ratios in Helium-Like Ions of Massive Stars: The Wind-Driven Case, Richard Ignace, Z. Damrau, and K. T. Hole (2019)


Prevalence of SED Turndown Among Classical Be Stars: Are All Be Stars Close Binaries?, Robert Klement, A. C. Carciofi, T. Rivinius, R. Ignace, L. D. Matthews, K. Torstensson, D. Gies, R. G. Vieira, N. D. Richardson, A. Domiciano De Souza, J. E. Bjorkman, G. Hallinan, D. M. Faes, B. Mota, A. D. Gullingsrud, C. De Breuck, P. Kervella, M. Curé, and D. Gunawan (2019)


The Polarization Mode of the Auroral Radio Emission from the Early-Type Star HD 142301, P. Leto, C. Trigilio, Lidi M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, C. S. Buemi, G. Umana, F. Cavallaro, A. Ingallinera, F. Bufano, N. M. Phillips, C. Agliozzo, L. Cerrigone, H. Todt, S. Riggi, and F. Leone (2019)


Coordinated UV and X-Ray Spectroscopic Observations of the O-type Giant ξ Per: The Connection between X-Rays and Large-scale Wind Structure, Derek Massa, Lidi Oskinova, Raman Prinja, and Richard Ignace (2019)


X-Ray Spectroscopy of Massive Stellar Winds: Previous and Ongoing Observations of the Hot Star ζ Pup, N. Miller, W. Waldron, J. Nichols, D. Huenemoerder, M. Dahmer, R. Ignace, J. Lauer, A. Moffat, Y. Nazé, L. Oskinova, N. Richardson, T. Ramiaramanantsoa, T. Shenar, and K. Gayley (2019)

UCNτ : A Magneto-Gravitational Trap for Measuring the Neutron Lifetime, Robert W. Pattie Jr. (2019)


The Chaotic Wind of WR 40 as Probed by BRITE, Tahina Ramiaramanantsoa, Richard Ignace, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Nicole St-Louis, Evgenya L. Shkolnik, Adam Popowicz, Rainer Kuschnig, Andrzej Pigulski, Gregg A. Wade, Gerald Handler, Herbert Pablo, and Konstanze Zwintz (2019)


The Hot Gas Exhaust of Starburst Engines in Mergers: Testing Models of Stellar Feedback and Star Formation Regulation, Beverly J. Smith, Peter Wagstaff, Curtis Struck, Roberto Soria, Brianne Dunn, Douglas Swartz, and Mark L. Giroux (2019)


Monte Carlo of Trapped Ultracold Neutrons in the UCNτ Trap, Nathan Callahan, Chen-Yu Liu, Fransisco Gonzalez, Evan Adamek, James D. Bowman, Leah J. Broussard, S. M. Clayton, S. Currie, C. Cude-Woods, E. B. Dees, X. Ding, E. M. Egnel, D. Fellers, W. Fox, Peter Geltenbort, Kevin P. Hickerson, M. A. Hoffbauer, A. T. Holley, A. Komives, S. W.T. MacDonald, Marc Makela, C. L. Morris, J. D. Ortiz, Robert W. Pattie Jr., J. Ramsey, D. J. Salvat, A. Saunders, Susan J. Seestrom, E. I. Sharapov, Sky L. Sjue, Z. Tang, J. Vanderwerp, B. Vogelaar, P. L. Walstrom, Z. Wang, H. Weaver, W. Wei, J. Wexler, A. R. Young, and B. A. Zeck (2018)


Calculation of Standard Reduction Potentials of Amino Acid Radicals and the Effects of Water and Incorporation Into Peptides, David M. Close and Peter Wardman (2018)


Highly Stable [C60AuC60]+/- Dumbbells, Marcelo Goulart, Martin Kuhn, Paul Martini, Lei Chen, Frank Hagelberg, Alexander Kaiser, Paul Scheier, and Andrew M. Ellis (2018)


A Study of Hα Line Profile Variations in β Lyr, Richard Ignace, Sharon K. Gray, Macno A. Magno, Gary D. Henson, and Derek Massa (2018)


A Combined Multiwavelength VLA/ALMA/Chandra Study Unveils the Complex Magnetosphere of the B-Type Star HR5907, P. Leto, Courtney Trigilio, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, C. S. Buemi, G. Umana, A. Ingallinera, F. Leone, N. M. Phillips, C. Agliozzo, H. Todt, and L. Cerrigone (2018)


Strained Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon Devices With Vacancies as Perfect Spin Filters, Macon Magno and Frank Hagelberg (2018)


Polarization Simulations of Stellar Wind Bow Shocks. I. The Case of Electron Scattering, Manisha Shrestha, Hilding R. Neilson, Jennifer L. Hoffman, and Richard Ignace (2018)


Diffuse X-Ray-Emitting Gas in Major Mergers, Beverly J. Smith, Kristen Campbell, Curtis Struck, Roberto Soria, Douglas Swartz, Macon Magno, Brianne Dunn, and Mark L. Giroux (2018)


Probing the Rotational Velocity of Galactic WO Stars with Spectropolarimetry, H. F. Stevance, Richard Igance, P. A. Crowther, J. R. Maund, B. Davies, and G. Rate (2018)


Polarization Light Curve Modeling of Corotating Interaction Regions in the Wind of the Wolf-Rayet Star Wr 6, Nicole St-Louis, Patrick Tremblay, and Richard Ignace (2018)


On the Apparent Absence of Wolf–Rayet+Neutron Star Systems: The Curious Case of WR124, Jesus A. Toala, Lidi Oskinova, W.R. Hamann, Richard Ignace, A.A. C. Sander, H. Todt, Y.H. Chu, M. A. Guerrero, R. Hainich, R. Hainich, and J. M. Terrejon (2018)


Stellar Population Synthesis of Star-Forming Clumps in Galaxy Pairs and Non-Interacting Spiral Galaxies, Javier Zaragoza-Cardiel, Beverly J. Smith, Margarita Rosado, John E. Beckman, Theodoros Bitsakis, Artemi Camps-Fariña, Joan Font, and Isaiah S. Cox (2018)


Spin Filter Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons With Substitutional Fe Atoms, Frank Hagelberg, Alexander Kaiser, Ivan Sukuba, and Michael Probst (2017)


An X-Ray Study of Two B+B Binaries: AH Cep and CW Cep, Richard Ignace, K. T. Hole, Lidia M. Oskinova, and J. P. Rotter (2017)


The Remote Observatories of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA), William C. Keel, Terry Oswalt, Peter Mack, Gary Henson, Todd Hillwig, Daniel Batcheldor, Robert Berrington, Chris De Pree, Dieter Hartmann, Martha Leake, Javier Licandro, Brian Murphy, James Webb, and Matt A. Wood (2017)


Revealing the Structure of the Outer Disks of Be Stars, Robert Klement, Anthony C. Carciofi, Thomas Rivinius, Lynn D. Matthews, Rodrigo G. Vieira, Richard Ignace, Jon E. Bjorkman, B. C. Mota, Daniel M. Faes, A. D. Bratcher, M. Cure, and Stanislav Stefl (2017)


The Detection of Variable Radio Emission from the Fast Rotating Magnetic Hot B-Star HR 7355 and Evidence for Its X-Ray Aurorae, P. Leto, Corrado Trigilio, Lidia M. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, C. S. Buemi, G. Umana, A. Ingallinera, H. Todt, and F. Leone (2017)


Limb Darkening and Planetary Transits: Testing Center-to-limb Intensity Variations and Limb-darkening Directly from Model Stellar Atmospheres, Hilding R. Neilson, Joseph T. McNeil, Richard Ignace, and John B. Lester (2017)


On the Binary Nature of Massive Blue Hypergiants: High-resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Suggests That Cyg OB2 12 is a Colliding Wind Binary - IOPscience, Lidia M. Oskinova, David P. Huenemoerder, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Tomer Shenar, A. A.C. Sander, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and R. Hainich (2017)


BRITE-Constellation High-Precision Time-Dependent Photometry of the Early O-Type Supergiant ζ Puppis Unveils the Photospheric Drivers of Its Small- and Large-Scale Wind Structures, Tahina Ramiaramanantsoa, Anthony F.J. Moffat, Robert Harmon, and Richard Ignace (2017)


The Reactivity of 2,5-Diaminoimidazolone Base Modification Towards Aliphatic Primary Amino Derivatives: Nucleophilic Substitution at C5 as a Potential Source of Abasic Sites in Oxidatively Damaged DNA, Marina Roginskaya, Hannah Janson, Devanamuni Seneviratni, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2017)


On the Absence of Non-thermal X-Ray Emission around Runaway O Stars, Jesus A. Toalá, Lidia M. Oskinova, and Richard Ignace (2017)


Calculations of the Energetics of Oxidation of Aqueous Nucleosides and the Effects of Prototropic Equilibria, David M. Close and Peter Wardman (2016)


Searching for a Magnetic Field in Wolf-Rayet Stars Using FORS 2 Spectropolarimetry, S. Hubrig, K. Scholz, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, M. Schöller, Richard Ignace, I. Ilyin, K. G. Gayley, and Lidia M. Oskinova (2016)


Modeling X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Massive Star Winds - A Review, Richard Igance (2016)


Long-Wavelength, Free–Free Spectral Energy Distributions from Porous Stellar Winds, Richard Ignace (2016)


DNA Damage by the Sulfate Radical Anion: Hydrogen Abstraction From the Sugar Moiety Versus One-Electron Oxidation of Guanine, Marina Roginskaya, Reza Mohseni, Derrick Ampadu-Boateng, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2016)


A COMPARATIVE STUDY of KNOTS of STAR FORMATION in INTERACTING VERSUS SPIRAL GALAXIES, Beverly J. Smith, Javier Zaragoza-Cardiel, Curtis Struck, Susan Olmsted, and Keith Jones (2016)


X-ray Observations of Bow Shocks around Runaway O Stars. The Case of ζ Oph and BD+43°3654, Jesus Toala, Lidia M. Oskinova, A. González-Galán, M. A. Guerrero, Richard Ignace, and M. Pohl (2016)


A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Ori Aa: I. Overview of the X-ray Spectrum., Michael Corcoran, Joy Nichols, H. Pablo, Tomer Shenar, Andy Pollock, W. Waldron, A. Moffat, N. Richardson, C. Russell, K. Hamaguchi, D. Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann, Y. Nazé, Richard Ignace, Nancy Evans, Jamie Lomax, J. Hoffman, K. Gayley, S. Owocki, M. Leutenegger, T. Gull, K. Hole, J. Lauer, and R. Iping (2015)


New Multiwavelength Observations of the Of?p Star CPD -28◦ 2561., S. Hubrig, M. Schöller, A. Kholtygin, H. Tsumura, A. Hoshino, S. Kitamoto, L. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, H. Todt, and I. Ilyin (2015)


Probing Wolf–Rayet Winds: Chandra/HETG X-Ray Spectra of WR 6, David P. Huenemoerder, K. G. Gayley, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Richard Ignace, J. S. Nichols, Lidia M. Oskinova, A. M.T. Pollock, Nobert S. Schulz, and Tomer Shenar (2015)


Polarimetric modeling of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) threading massive-star winds., Richard Ignace, Nicole St-Louis, and Felix Proulx-Giraldeau (2015)


Spin Filter Circuit Design Based on a Finite Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube of the Zigzag Type, Oleksiy V. Khavryuchenko, Gilles H. Peslherbe, and Frank Hagelberg (2015)


V444 Cygni X-Ray and Polarimetric Variability: Radiative and Coriolis Forces Shape the Wind Collision Region, J. R. Lomax, Y. Nazé, J. L. Hoffman, C. M.P. Russell, M. De Becker, M. F. Corcoran, J. W. Davidson, H. R. Neilson, S. Owocki, J. M. Pittard, and A. M.T. Pollock (2015)


Period Change and Stellar Evolution of β Cephei Stars, Hilding R. Neilson and Richard Ignace (2015)


The Strange Evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheid OGLE-LMC-CEP1812, Hilding R. Neilson, Robert G. Izzard, Nobert Langer, and Richard Ignace (2015)


The Occurrence of Classical Cepheids in Binary Systems, Hilding R. Neilson, Fabian R.N. Schneider, Robert G. Izzard, Nancy R. Evans, and Norbert Langer (2015)


A Coordinated X-Ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa: II. X-Ray Variability., Joy Nichols, D. Huenemoerder, Michael Corcoran, W. Waldron, Y. Nazé, Andy Pollock, A. Moffat, J. Lauer, Tomer Shenar, C. Russell, N. Richardson, H. Pablo, N. Evans, K. Hamaguchi, T. Gull, W.-R. Hamann, L. Oskinova, Richard Ignace, Jennifer Hoffman, K. Hole, and Jamie Lomax (2015)


On X-ray pulsations in beta Cephei-type variables, L. Oskinova, H. Todt, D. Huenemoerder, S. Hubrig, Richard Ignace, W.-R. Hamann, and L. Balona (2015)


A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, δ Orionis Aa. III. Analysis of Optical Photometric (MOST) and Spectroscopic (Ground Based) Variations., Herbert Pablo, Noel Richardson, Anthony Moffat, Michael Corcoran, Tomer Shenar, Omar Benvenuto, Jim Fuller, Yaël Nazé, Jennifer Hoffman, Anatoly Miroshnichenko, Jesús Apellániz, Nancy Evans, Thomas Eversberg, Ken Gayley, Ted Gull, Kenji Hamaguchi, Wolf-Rainer Hamann, Huib Henrichs, Tabetha Hole, Richard Ignace, Rosina Iping, Jennifer Lauer, Maurice Leutenegger, Jamie Lomax, Joy Nichols, Lida Oskinova, Stan Owocki, Andy Pollock, Christopher Russell, Wayne Waldron, Christian Buil, Thierry Garrel, Keith Graham, Bernard Heathcote, Thierry Lemoult, Dong Li, Benjamin Mauclaire, Mike Potter, Jose Ribeiro, Jaymie Matthews, Chris Cameron, David Guenther, Rainer Kuschnig, Jason Rowe, Slavek Rucinski, Dimitar Sasselov, and Werner Weiss (2015)


Efficacy and Site Specificity of Hydrogen Abstraction From DNA 2-Deoxyribose by Carbonate Radicals, Marina Roginskaya, T. J. Moore, D. Ampadu-Boateng, and Y. Razskazovskiy (2015)


The MiMeS Survey of Magnetism in Massive Stars: Introduction and Overview, G. A. Wade, C. Neiner, E. Alecian, H. H. Grunhunt, V. Petit, B. Batz, D. A. Bohlender, D. H. Cohen, H. F. Henrichs, O. Kochukhov, J. D. Landstreet, N. Manset, F. Martins, S. Mathis, M. E. Oksala, S. P. Owocki, Th. Rivinius, M. E. Schultz, J. O. Sundqvist, R. H.D. Townsend, A. Doula, J. C. Bouret, J. Braithwaite, M. Briquet, A. C. Carciofi, A. David-Uraz, C. P. Folsom, A. W. Fullerton, B. Leroy, W. L.F. Marcolino, A. F.J. Moffat, Y. Naze, N. St Louis, M. Auriere, S. Bagnulo, J. D. Bailey, R. H. Barba, A. Blazere, T. Bohm, C. Catala, J-F Donati, L. Ferrario, D. Harrington, I. D. Howarth, Richard Ignace, L. Kaper, T. Luftinger, R. Prinja, J. S. Vink, W. W. Weiss, and I. Yakunin (2015)


CHARA/MIRC Observations of Two M supergiants in Perseus OB1: Temperature, Bayesian Modeling, and Compressed Sensing Imaging, F. Baron, J. D. Monnier, L. L. Kiss, H. R. Neilson, M. Zhao, M. Anderson, A. Aarnio, E. Pedretti, N. Thureau, T. A. Ten Brummelaar, S. T. Ridgway, H. A. McAlister, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, and N. Turner (2014)


The Secret Lives of Cepheids: Evolutionary Changes and Pulsation-Induced Shock Heating in the Prototype Classical Cepheid δ Cep, Scott G. Engle, Edward F. Guinan, Graham M. Harper, Hilding R. Neilson, and Nancy Remage Evans (2014)


Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium in Nearby Tidal Streams (SAINTS): Spitzer Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Intergalactic Star-Forming Objects, S. J.U. Higdon, J. L. Higdon, B. J. Smith, and M. Hancock (2014)


Faraday Rotation Effects for Diagnosing Magnetism in Bubble Environments., Richard Ignace (2014)


Aggregates of PCBM Molecules: A computational study, Alexander Kaiser, Michael Probst, Holly A. Stretz, and Frank Hagelberg (2014)


Vacancy Patterning and Patterning Vacancies: Controlled Self-Assembly of Fullerenes on Metal Surfaces, Alexander Kaiser, Francesc Viñes, Francesc Illas, Marcel Ritter, Frank Hagelberg, and Michael Probst (2014)


Interacting Supernovae From Photoionization-Confined Shells Around Red Supergiant Stars, Jonathan Mackey, Shazrene Mohamed, Vasilii V. Gvaramadze, Rubina Kotak, Norbert Langer, Dominique M.A. Meyer, Takashi J. Moriya, and Hilding R. Neilson (2014)


Convection, Granulation, and Period Jitter in Classical Cepheids., Hilding Neilson and Richard Ignace (2014)


Evidence of a Mira-like tail and bow shock about the semi-regular variable V CVn from four decades of polarization measurements., Hilding Neilson, Richard Ignace, Beverly Smith, Gary Henson, and Alyssa Adams (2014)


Revisiting the Fundamental Properties of the Cepheid Polaris Using Detailed Stellar Evolution Models, H. R. Neilson (2014)


Discovery of X-ray Pulsations from a Massive Star., Lidia Oskinova, Yael Nazé, Helge Todt, David Huenemoerder, Richard Ignace, Swetlana Hubrig, and Wolf-Rainer Hamann (2014)


Identification of the C4′-Oxidized Abasic Site as the Most Abundant 2-Deoxyribose Lesion in Radiation-Damaged Dna Using a Novel Hplc-Based Approach, Marina Roginskaya, Reza Mohseni, Terence J. Moore, William A. Bernhard, and Yuriy Razskazovskiy (2014)


Unraveling the Mysteries of the Leo Ring: An Absorption Line Study of an Unusual Gas Cloud, J. L. Rosenberg, Karl Haislmaier, M. L. Giroux, B. A. Keeney, and S. E. Schneider (2014)


Extra-Nuclear Starbursts: Young Luminous Hinge Clumps in Interacting Galaxies, Beverly J. Smith, Roberto Soria, Curtis Struck, Mark L. Giroux, Douglas A. Swartz, and Mihoko Yukita (2014)


Ordered Phases of Ethylene Adsorbed on Charged Fullerenes and Their Aggregates, Samuel Zöttl, Alexander Kaiser, Matthias Daxner, Marcelo Goulart, Andreas Mauracher, Michael Probst, Frank Hagelberg, Stephan Denifl, Paul Scheier, and Olof Echt (2014)


Calculated pKa's of the DNA Base Radical Ions, David M. Close (2013)


DNA Damage by the Direct Effect of Ionizing Radiation: Products Produced by Two Sequential One-Electron Oxidations, David M. Close, William H. Nelson, and William A. Bernhard (2013)


Discovery of a Magnetic Field in the Rapidly-Rotating O-Type Secondary of the Colliding-Wind Binary HD 47129 (Plaskett’s Star)., J. Grunhut, G. Wade, M. Leutenegger, V. Petit, G. Rauw, C. Neiner, F. Martins, D. Cohen, M. Gagné, Richard Ignace, S. Mathis, S. de Mink, A. Moffat, S. Owocki, M. Shultz, J. Sundqvist, and (2013)


Investigating the Spectroscopic, Magnetic and Circumstellar Variability of the O9 Subgiant Star HD 57682., J. Grunhut, G. Wade, J. Sundqvist, A. ud-Doula, C. Neiner, Richard Ignace, W. Marcolino, Th. Rivinius, A. Fullerton, L. Kaper, B. Mauclaire, C. Buil, T. Garrel, J. Ribeiro, and S. Ubaud (2013)


The XMM-Newton EPIC X-ray Light Curve Analysis of WR 6., Richard Ignace, K. Gayley, W.-R. Hamann, D. Huenemoerder, L. Oskinova, A. Pollock, and M. McFall (2013)


A Report on the X-ray Properties of the τ Sco Class of Stars., Richard Ignace, L. Oskinova, and D. Massa (2013)


Faraday Rotation Distributions from Stellar Magnetism in Wind-Blown Bubbles., Richard Ignace and N. Pingel (2013)


Calculating Hyperfine Couplings in Large Ionic Crystals Containing Hundreds of QM Atoms: Subsystem DFT Is the Key, Ruslan Kevorkyants, Xiqiao Wang, David M. Close, and Michele Pavanello (2013)


Calculating Hyperfine Couplings in Large Ionic Crystals Containing Hundreds of QM Atoms: Subsystem DFT Is the Key, Ruslan Kevorkyants, Xiqiao Wang, David M. Close, and Michele Pavanello (2013)


Ultraviolet/Optical/Infrared Color Sequences Along the Tidal Ring/Arm of Arp 107, Ryen C. Lapham, Beverly J. Smith, and Curtis Struck (2013)


Geometric, Magnetic, and Adsorption Properties of Cross-Linking Carbon Nanotubes: A Computational Study, Jianhua Wu, Anahita Ayasoufi, Jerzy Leszczynski, and Frank Hagelberg (2013)


Impact of Tube Curvature on the Ground-State Magnetism of Axially Confined Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes of the Zigzag-Type, Jianhua Wu and Frank Hagelberg (2013)


William A. Bernhard (1942-2012)., David Close, Mike Sevilla, and Norman Coleman (2012)


An Interferometrically Derived Sample of Miras with Phase using Spitzer: Paper I – A First Look, M. J. Creech-Eakman, T. Güth, Donald G. Luttermoser, C. A. Jurgenson, and A. K. Speck (2012)


Variability in X-ray Line Ratios in Helium-like Ions of Massive Stars: the Radiation-driven Case., K. Hole and Richard Ignace (2012)