Mathematics and Statistics Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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[1, 2]-Sets in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Alice McRae (2013)


1-Restricted Optimal Rubbling on Graphs, Robert A. Beeler, Teresa W. Haynes, and Kyle Murphy (2019)

4-Cycle Coverings of the Complete Graph With a Hole, Robert Gardner, Scott LaVoie, and Chau Nguyen (2010)


A Bernstein TypeLpInequality for a Certain Class of Polynomials, Robert Gardner and Amy Weems (1998)


A Characterization of Diameter-2-Critical Graphs Whose Complements Are Diamond-Free, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2012)


A Characterization of Diameter-2-Critical Graphs With No Antihole of Length Four, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2012)


A Characterization of I-Excellent Trees, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2002)


A Characterization of P 5-Free, Diameter-2-Critical Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2014)

A Characterization of Trees With Equal Domination and Global Strong Alliance Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Michael A. Henning (2004)

A Characterization of Trees With Unique Minimum Double Dominating Sets, Mustapha Chellali and Teresa W. Haynes (2010)


A Comparison of Computational Efficiencies of Stochastic Algorithms in Terms of Two Infection Models, H. Thomas Banks, Shuhua Hu, Michele Joyner, Anna Broido, Brandi Canter, Kaitlyn Gayvert, and Kathryn Link (2012)


A Comparison of Two Varying Coefficient Meta-Analysis Methods for an Average Risk Difference, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2015)


Adaption of Akaike Information Criterion Under Least Squares Frameworks for Comparison of Stochastic Models, H. T. Banks and Michele L. Joyner (2019)


A Dedication to Professor Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2009)


Adjusted Wald Confidence Interval for a Difference of Binomial Proportions Based on Paired Data, Douglas G. Bonett and Robert M. Price (2012)


A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis Identifies Novel Loci Associated With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Ke Sheng Wang, Xue Feng Liu, and Nagesh Aragam (2010)


A Geometric Analysis of Gaussian Elimination. I, George Poole and Larry Neal (1991)


A Geometric Analysis of Gaussian Elimination. II, Larry Neal and George Poole (1992)


AIC Under the Framework of Least Squares Estimation, H. T. Banks and Michele L. Joyner (2017)


A Linear Method for the Curve Fitting of Multiexponentials, Jeff R. Knisley and L. Lee Glenn (1996)


A Maximum Degree Theorem for Diameter-2-Critical Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, Lucas C. van der Merwe, and Anders Yeo (2014)


Amicable Pairs and Aliquot Cycles for Elliptic Curves Over Number Fields, Jim Brown, David Heras, Kevin James, Rodney Keaton, and Andrew Qian (2016)


An Aggregate Stochastic Model Incorporating Individual Dynamics for Predation Movements of Anelosimus Studiosus, Alex John Quijano, Michele L. Joyner, Edith Seier, Nathaniel Hancock, Michael Largent, and Thomas C. Jones (2015)


An Analysis of Quantile Measures of Kurtosis: Center and Tails, Samuel Kotz and Edith Seier (2009)


An Eneström–Kakeya Theorem for New Classes of Polynomials, William Ty Frazier and Robert Gardner (2019)


An Exercise to Introduce Power, Edith Seier and Yali Liu (2013)


An Extremal Problem for Total Domination Stable Graphs Upon Edge Removal, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2011)


An Improved Confidence Interval for a Linear Function of Binomial Proportions, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2004)


An Improved Upper Bound for the Pebbling Threshold of the n-path, Adam Wierman, Julia Salzman, Michael Jablonski, and Anant P. Godbole (2004)

An Introduction to Peg Duotaire on Graphs, Robert A. Beeler and Aaron D. Gray (2018)


An Lp Inequality for a Polynomial and Its Derivative, Robert B. Gardner and Narendra K. Govil (1995)


A Note on Non-Dominating Set Partitions in Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2016)


A Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for the Antibiotic Ertapenem, Michele L. Joyner, Whitney Forbes, Michelle Maiden, and Ariel N. Nikas (2016)

A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Downhill and Uphill Domination, Jessie Deering, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and William Jamieson (2017)


A Polyplot for Visualizing Location, Spread, Skewness, and Kurtosis, Edith Seier and Douglas G. Bonett (2011)


A Predictive Model for Secondary RNA Structure Using Graph Theory and a Neural Network, Denise R. Koessler, Debra J. Knisley, Jeff Knisley, and Teresa Haynes (2010)


A Proof of a Conjecture on Diameter 2-Critical Graphs Whose Complements Are Claw-Free, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Anders Yeo (2011)


A Quantitative Analysis of Secondary RNA Structure Using Domination Based Parameters on Trees, Teresa Haynes, Debra Knisley, Edith Seier, and Yue Zou (2006)


A Roman Domination Chain, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Alice A. McRae (2016)


A Small Cover for Convex Unit Arcs, Joseph A. Johnson, George D. Poole, and John E. Wetzel (2004)


A Stochastic Simulation Model for Anelosimus Studiosus During Prey Capture: A Case Study for Determination of Optimal Spacing, Michele L. Joyner, Chelsea R. Ross, Colton Watts, and Thomas C. Jones (2014)


A Survey of Stratified Domination in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2009)


A Test of Normality With High Uniform Power, Douglas G. Bonett and Edith Seier (2002)


Automorphic Decompositions of Graphs, Robert A. Beeler and Robert E. Jamison (2011)

Balanced Sets in Graphs, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Hamilton Scott (2014)


Bicritical Domination, Robert C. Brigham, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Douglas F. Rall (2005)

Bicyclic Decompositions of Kv Into Copies of K3 ∪{E}, Robert B. Gardner (1998)


Bicyclic Directed Triple Systems, Robert B. Gardner (1998)


Bicyclic Steiner Triple Systems, Rebecca Calahan-Zijlstra and Robert B. Gardner (1994)


Bounds on Cost Effective Domination Numbers, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Tabitha L. McCoy, and Tony K. Rodriguez (2016)


Bounds on the Connected Domination Number of a Graph, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, and Michael A. Henning (2013)


Bounds on the Global Domination Number, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Philip E. Gibson, and Teresa W. Haynes (2015)


Bounds on the Global Offensive K-Alliance Number in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Bert Randerath, and Lutz Volkmann (2009)


Bounds on the Maximum Number of Minimum Dominating Sets, Samuel Connolly, Zachary Gabor, Anant Godbole, Bill Kay, and Thomas Kelly (2016)


Bounds on the Semipaired Domination Number of Graphs With Minimum Degree at Least Two, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Bounds on Weak Roman and 2-Rainbow Domination Numbers, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2014)


Broadcasts in Graphs, Jean Dunbar, David J. Erwin, Teresa W. Haynes, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2006)


Changing and Unchanging Domination: A Classification, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2003)


Characterizations of Trees With Equal Paired and Double Domination Numbers, Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, and Teresa W. Haynes (2006)


Chlamydia Muridarum Enters a Viable but Non-Infectious State in Amoxicillin-Treated BALB/C Mice, R. Phillips Campbell, J. Kintner, J. Whittimore, and R. V. Schoborg (2012)


Client–Server and Cost Effective Sets in Graphs, Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, and Stephen T. Hedetniemi (2018)


Coalition Graphs of Paths, Cycles, and Trees, Teresa W. Haynes, Jason T. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Alice A. McRae, and Raghuveer Mohan (2021)


Comparative Analysis of Dengue Versus Chikungunya Outbreaks in Costa Rica, Fabio Sanchez, Luis A. Barboza, David Burton, and Ariel Cintrón-Arias (2018)


Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predictive Modeling of Beef Attributes Using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) Data, Devin A. Gredell, Amelia R. Schroeder, Keith E. Belk, Corey D. Broeckling, Adam L. Heuberger, Soo Young Kim, D. Andy King, Steven D. Shackelford, Julia L. Sharp, Tommy L. Wheeler, Dale R. Woerner, and Jessica E. Prenni (2019)


Compartmental Models of Migratory Dynamics, J. Knisley, T. Schmickl, and I. Karsai (2011)


Competition Between Discrete Random Variables, With Applications to Occupancy Problems, Julia Eaton, Anant P. Godbole, and Betsy Sinclair (2010)


Confidence Interval for a Coefficient of Dispersion in Nonnormal Distributions, Douglas Bonett and Edith Seier (2006)


Confidence Intervals for a Ratio of Binomial Proportions Based on Paired Data, Douglas Bonett and Robert M. Price (2006)


Confidence Intervals for a Ratio of Two Independent Binomial Proportions, Robert Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2008)


Confidence Intervals for Mean Absolute Deviations, Douglas G. Bonett and Edith Seier (2003)


Consecutive Covering Arrays and a New Randomness Test, A. P. Godbole, M. V. Koutras, and F. S. Milienos (2010)

Construction of Trees With Unique Minimum Semipaired Dominating Sets, Teresa W. Haynes and Michael A. Henning (2021)


Correctly Modeling Plant-Insect-Herbivore-Pesticide Interactions as Aggregate Data, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, Jared Catenacci, Michele Joyner, and John Stark (2020)


Covering Arrays for Some Equivalence Classes of Words, Joshua Cassels and Anant Godbole (2019)


Covering n-Permutations With (n + 1)-Permutations, Taylor F. Allison, Kathryn M. Hawley, Anant P. Godbole, and Bill Kay (2013)


Cover Pebbling Thresholds for the Complete Graph, Anant P. Godbole, Nathaniel G. Watson, and Carl R. Yerger (2005)


Cover Rubbling and Stacking, Teresa W. Haynes and Rodney Keaton (2020)


Curing Instant Insanity II, Robert A. Beeler and Amanda Justus Bentley (2016)


Curves on Surfaces, Frederick Norwood (1989)

Cyclic and Rotational Decompositions of Kn into Stars, Robert B. Gardner (2001)


Cyclic and Rotational Hybrid Triple Systems, Robert Gardner, Biagio Micale, Mario Pennisi, and Rebecca Zijlstra (1997)


Cyclic and Rotational Hybrid Triple Systems, Robert Gardner, Biagio Micale, Mario Pennisi, and Rebecca Zijlstra (1997)

Cyclic, f-Cyclic, and Bicyclic Decompositions of the Complete Graph Into the 4-Cycle With a Pendant Edge, Daniel Cantrell, Gary D. Coker, and Robert Gardner (2012)

Decompositions and Packings of Digraphs with Orientations of a 4-Cycle, Robert B. Gardner, Coleen Huff, and Janie Kennedy (2000)

Decompositions of Mixed Graphs Using Partial Orientations of P4 and S3, Robert A. Beeler and Adam M. Meadows (2009)


Decompositions of Various Complete Graphs Into Isomorphic Copies of the 4-Cycle With a Pendant Edge, Brandon Coker, Gary D. Coker, and Robert Gardner (2012)

Decompositions, Packings, and Coverings of the Complete Digraph With Orientations of K3 ∪{e}, Robert Beeler, Robert Gardner, Chrysanthus Gwellem, and Jan Lewenczuk (2016)

Detour Domination in Graphs, Gary Chartrand, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Ping Zhang (2004)


Developing Student Collaborations Across Disciplines, Distances, and Institutions, Jeff Knisley and Esfandiar Behravesh (2010)

Differentials in Graphs, J. Mashburn, T. W. Haynes, S. M. Hedetniemi, S. T. Hedetniemi, and P. J. Slater (2006)


Diminishing Returns: The Influence of Experience and Environment on Time-Memory Extinction in Honey Bee Foragers, Darrell Moore, Byron N. van Nest, and Edith Seier (2011)


Distances to a Point of Reference in Spatial Point Patterns, Michele L. Joyner, Edith Seier, and Thomas C. Jones (2014)


Distance to the Border in Spatial Point Patterns, Michele Joyner, Chelsea Ross, and Edith Seier (2013)


Distribution Centers in Graphs, Wyatt J. Desormeaux, Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, and Christian Moore (2018)


Distribution-Free Confidence Intervals for Difference and Ratio of Medians, Robert M. Price and Douglas G. Bonett (2002)

Domination and Total Domination Critical Trees With Respect to Relative Complements, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2001)


Domination and Total Domination in Complementary Prisms, Teresa W. Haynes, Michael A. Henning, and Lucas C. Van Der Merwe (2009)


Domination Cover Pebbling: Graph Families, James Gardner, Anant P. Godbole, Alberto Mokak Teguia, Annalies Z. Vuong, Nathaniel G. Watson, and Carl R. Yerger (2008)


Domination Cover Rubbling, Robert A. Beeler, Teresa W. Haynes, and Rodney Keaton (2019)

Domination Good Vertices in Graphs, Eugenie M. Jackson and Teresa W. Haynes (2003)