International Journal of Health Sciences Education | Vol 8 | Iss 1


The International Journal of Health Sciences Education would like to acknowledge and dedicate this issue to Dr. Wilsie Bishop. Dr. Bishop retired in June 2021 after serving East Tennessee State University for over 43 years. She began as temporary faculty in the College of Nursing in 1978. She moved through the ranks, serving as department chair, dean, assistant vice president, vice president, senior vice president and interim provost. At her core, she was always a faculty member and mentor for students and faculty. She relied on her understanding of and experiences in these roles to guide her decisions. Dr Bishop led the development of interprofessional education at ETSU, modeling a team-based approach to the future of quality health care delivery. Recently, the Board of Trustees renamed the Interprofessional Education and Research Center, also known as Building 60, Bishop Hall. It is a physical space that multiple disciplines can come together and focus on team-based learning. She was instrumental in the inception of this journal and remained a champion of it up to her retirement. Volume 3, Issue 2 was spearheaded by Dr. Bishop and highlights much of the work that ETSU has done in support and integrating Interprofessional Education. All of us wish Dr. Bishop a happy retirement! It has been an honor to work with and learn from her. Thank you for your service to Nursing, to ETSU, to the community and region of East Tennessee.



Effectiveness of an Adapted Virtual Medication Reconciliation OSCE Compared with In Person OSCE
Rick Hess, Kelly L. Covert, McKenzie Calhoun Highsmith, Jennifer Trotter, and Brian Cross


From Opportunity to Necessity: Development of an Asynchronous Online Interprofessional Learning Experience
Kristen McHenry, S. Alicia Williams, Florence M. Weierbach, Kate E. Beatty, and Brian Cross