About This Journal | International Journal of Health Sciences Education | Journals | East Tennessee State University

About This Journal

There are many issues that face healthcare today. Healthcare reform, the need for health care access for all, and health professions shortages are frequent news headlines. Health science information is expanding at such a rate that it is difficult for educators to keep pace. Contemporary learners obtain their information from non-traditional sources, an innovative approach to presenting and disseminating educational content that opens new avenues of information access is essential. It is important that there is a forum to publish best practices for how we educate health care professionals that allows for interaction with the authors for discussion on the issues. The International Journal of Health Sciences Education (IJHSE) provides an open forum that allows health care professionals an opportunity to convey their innovations across disciplines, national borders, and cultures to create a community of shared knowledge. Authors can share manuscripts and add multimedia files to enhance learning aspects of submissions. Our goal is to provide accurate and current interdisciplinary information.