"Collaborative Teaching and Inclusion in Northeast, TN" by Sherianne Pigeon

Honors Program

Midway Honors

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Dr. Dawn Rowe

Thesis Professor Department

Educational Foundations and Special Education

Thesis Reader(s)

Dr. Melody Blevins



Collaborative teaching is a commonly used, research-based method to support inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. However, there is a lack of research describing current teachers’ experiences with and perceptions of collaborative teaching and inclusion. Results from a survey disseminated to teachers in Northeast TN school systems revealed that 64.3% of respondents have either never co-taught a class or have co-taught only one or two classes. Additionally, respondents agree that collaborative teaching is beneficial to support inclusion, enhance delivery of instruction, improve teacher relations and improve classroom management. However, teachers expressed collaborative teaching is more burdensome to teachers than is helpful to students. Limitations of this study, implementations for practice, and suggestions for future research are also described.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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