Submission Guidelines for Undergraduate Honors Theses

Step-by-Step Instructions for Honors Electronic Thesis Submission

You have to complete all required fields in order to save the submission form.
Save yourself time and frustration by being prepared before you begin.

  1. Read the Policies and be sure that you have satisfied the requirements BEFORE you start the online submission process.
  2. Make sure your thesis is in PDF format.

    If your thesis is in a word processing program format like Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), open it in that program and look under the FILE menu for the option to "Export" or "Save As" or "Print" the file in PDF format.

  3. Make sure you have all of your files available to include in the online submission process.
  4. Use a text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word) to
    1. write an abstract for your thesis,
    2. list keywords (optional), and
    3. list your Thesis Professor(s) and Thesis Reader(s)
    so you can copy and paste them into the online submission form.
    • Keyword(s): If there are words or phrases not in the title or abstract that would help someone find your thesis using a search engine like Google, type them on a single line separated by commas.
    • Verify the correct spelling of your Thesis Professor(s) and Thesis Reader(s) names using the "Search ETSU and People" search box at the top of the ETSU home page (

      Put your Thesis Professor(s) on one line and Thesis Reader(s) on a separate line. They go in separate fields in the online submission form.

      Type names in normal order (given name first) and separate multiple names with commas. Example: William Burgess Jr., Christopher Dula

  5. Choose Subject Categories that best describe what your thesis is about from the Taxonomy of Academic Disciplines. You will select these from a drop-down menu in the online submission process.

Ready? Go!

  1. Create an account by clicking on the "My Account" link.
    • Use your ETSU email address.
    • Create a password. It does not have to be your ETSU account password.
      If you forget your password, use the "Forget your password?" link on the "My Account" page to reset it.
      Do not call the OIT Student Help Desk because they cannot reset it for you.
  2. Click on the "Submit Research" link in the left sidebar to go to
  3. Enter information in all of the REQUIRED fields, including Subject Categories.
  4. Check the box to UPLOAD ADDITIONAL FILES if you have supplemental material in virtually any format (video, audio, etc.)
  5. Click the SUBMIT button to save your input data and files.
  6. Click on "My Account" and then click on the "Logout" button to end your session.

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