"Development of Classroom Tools for a RISC-V Embedded System" by Lucas Phillips

Honors Program

Honors in Business

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Matthew Harrison

Thesis Professor Department


Thesis Reader(s)

Ghaith Husari


RISC-V is an open-source instruction set that has been gaining popularity in recent years, and, with support from large chip manufacturers like Intel and the benefits of its open-source nature, RISC-V devices are likely to continue gaining momentum. Many courses in a computer science program involve development on an embedded device. Usually, this device is of the ARM architecture, like a Raspberry Pi. With the increasing use of RISC-V, it may be beneficial to use a RISC-V embedded device in one of these classroom environments. This research intends to assist development on the SiFive HiFive1 RevB, which is a RISC-V embedded device. This device was chosen because of its ease of use, functionality-rich API, and affordability. In order to make developing with this board very approachable for a student, this research involved the development of a small suite of tools. These tools support common functionality like: building a source file into an executable ELF file, converting that ELF executable into an Intel HEX executable format that is required to run on the device, uploading the Intel HEX executable onto the device, and attaching a debug session to the program that is running on the device. With the help of this toolchain, developing on this RISC-V embedded device should be very approachable for most students.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.


Copyright by the authors.
