"Harnessing the Business Community and Other Entities to Support the Vi" by Chih-che Tai, Ryan Nivens et al.


Harnessing the Business Community and Other Entities to Support the Vision of the NGSS

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In this chapter, we discuss the strategies that the East Tennessee State University Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education and the Northeast Tennessee STEM Innovation Hub have used to leverage partnerships, networks, and community collaborations to help school districts implement the vision called for in A Framework for K-12 Science Education (Framework; NRC 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; NGSS Lead States 2013). Successful partnerships involve a wide array of individuals and groups, including teachers and administrators, business leaders, policy makers, and other community groups. In this chapter, we discuss how to establish these partnerships, sustain active involvement in them, and use them to support instructional reform. Finally, we discuss the challenges of maintaining successful educational partnerships an the lessons that we've leaned while addressing those challenges.
