A Comparison of Four Quantitative Cytochemical Methods Directed Toward Demonstration of DNA

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Populations of nuclei isolated from mouse brain tissue were stained by the following cytochemical methods considered stoichiometric for DNA: (1) the Feulgen reaction; (2) gallocyanin-chromalum after RNase; (3) pH 4.0 methylene blue after RNase; and (4) methyl green used in the presence of 2 M magnesium chloride. Replicate preparations to be stained with gallocyanin-chromalum, methylene blue, and methyl green were acetylated prior to staining. All of these groups were examined by high-resolution scanning microspectrophotometry. The results indicated that of the methods examined, the Feulgen reaction, gallocyanin-chromalum used without prior acetylation, and methylene blue used with prior acetylation were the most useful in revealing differences attributable to variability in chromatin organization. The greatest variability in total extinction measurements was observed in acetylated, methylene blue-stained nuclei, while the least variability was observed in nuclei stained with methyl green in the presence of 2 M magnesium chloride. Acetylation produced different effects on dye-binding in different groups. It greatly increased binding in nuclei stained with methylene blue; it reduced binding in nuclei stained by gallocyaninchromalum; and it hardly affected binding in the methyl green-2 M magnesium chloride series.
