Autoradiographic Localization of Quinuclidinyl Benzilate Binding to Rat Pituitary Gland

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The location of muscarinic receptors in the rat pituitary gland was examined with an autoradiographic technique. Slides containing 10 or 20 μm horizontal sections of tissue were incubated in a solution of 1 nM [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) in phosphate-buffered saline to label muscarinic receptors. Autoradiograms were produced by placing the slides into X-ray cassettes with tritium-sensitive film and processing the film 8-10 weeks later. Minimal binding occurred when sections were incubated in 1 n M [3H]QNB plus 1 μM atropine. Highest specific binding of QNB was found in the anterior and intermediate lobes along their border with the pituitary cleft. Patches of high binding were also seen penetrating the intermediate lobe and at the border between the intermediate and neural lobes. The remainder of the intermediate lobe had background density of autoradiographic grains. Moderate density of specific binding was found throughout the anterior lobe. Low specific binding occurred in the neural lobe.
