Rorschach Measures of Posttraumatic Stress in Persian Gulf War Veterans: A Three-Year Follow-up Study

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The long-term psychological effects of war-related stress were assessed with the Rorschach 3 years after the Persian Gulf War. Rorschach data are presented for 30 U.S. Marine reservists at a 3-year follow-up who reported experiencing symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTS) initially after Operation Desert Storm (ODS), and for 25 Marine reservist controls who did not participate in ODS. Results showed significant differences over time between the initial evaluation data and follow-up, and between initial evaluation and the control group on selected Rorschach variables associated with coping ability and PTS. Scores associated with acute distress, capacity for coping and control, and feeling overwhelmed all were found to significantly decrease over time. These findings are discussed in relation to the assessment and understanding of PTS symptomatology over time.
