Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Only the Earth Remains: Exploring the Machine in Selected Lyric Poetry of Robinson Jeffers, Mark Hutton
Effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus MRS6AN on Intestinal GPAT3 pathway involved in the lipid transport in enterocytes, Ayodeji Oludare Ipinmoroti
Per Pupil Expenditure, Graduation Rates, and ACT Scores in Tennessee School Districts, Jay Irvin
Levels of Feedback Observed in Kindergarten Classrooms: Perceptions and Reality, Jacqueline Johnson
Design and Validation of a Scale for Preschoolers: Measuring Nutrition Knowledge, Beliefs, and Behaviors, Michelle E. Johnson
Faces, Locations, and Tools: A Proposed Two-Stimulus P300 Brain Computer Interface, Marissa R. Jones
Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Self-Compassion, Andrea R. Kaniuka
Black Bears (Ursus americanus) versus Brown Bears (U. arctos): Combining Morphometrics and Niche Modeling to Differentiate Species and Predict Distributions Through Time, Theron Michael Kantelis
The Effects of Employment on Recidivism Among Delinquent Juveniles, Leigh Kassem
A Content Analysis of Media Accounts of Death Penalty and Life Without Parole Cases, Lisa R. Kirk
Young Adult Literature and Empathy in Appalachian Adolescents, Kelsey R. Kiser
Nutrient Content of Human Breast Milk from Overweight and Normal Weight Caucasian Women of Northeast Tennessee, Megan R. Kwon
Matter under Mind, John F. Lause
Administrator and Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusion, Heather N. LeMay
Continuing Professional Education for Licensed Accountants in Tennessee, Brian J. Lucas
Outcomes of an Integrated Approach to Speed and Strength Training with an Elite-Level Sprinter, Eric D. Magrum
Modeling Student Enrollment at ETSU Using a Discrete-Time Markov Chain Model, Lohuwa Mamudu
Vertex Weighted Spectral Clustering, Mohammad Masum
Prescription Drug Abuse and Provider-Patient Communication: A Qualitative Analysis of the Perspectives of Prescribers and Patients, Stephanie M. Mathis
"Some Things Grew No Less With Time:" Tracing ATU 510B from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century, Rachel L. Maynard
New Faculty Mentoring in Respiratory Care Programs, Kristen L. McHenry
Changes in Sprint Kinematics Between Phase Potentiation and Linear PRogressive Models of Resistance Training, James Miller
Dissertation Experiences of Faculty Members: Individual, Relational and Structural Factors of Success, Tanika R. Mitchell
Mindfulness and Alcohol-Related Problems among Individuals with Fibromyalgia: Chronic Pain and Depressive Symptoms as Mediators, Julie I. Morrissey
The Pulpit and the People: Mobilizing Evangelical Identity, Tim Moser
On t-Restricted Optimal Rubbling of Graphs, Kyle Murphy
Language Proficiency Attainment and Mobility Among ELL Students, Elizabeth Ayers Neill
On Growing Up Finnish in the Midwest: A Family Oral History Project, Ingrid Ruth Nixon
School Leaders Decision-Making Process for Academic Program Placement: A Phenomenological Study, Lori A. Nixon
Client Experiences of Mindfulness Meditation in the Counseling Setting: A Qualitative Study, Veronica L. O'Brien
Denoising Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data, Felix Offei
Postnatal Cell Shape development of the Corneal Endothelium in Mice, Victor Temidayo Ojo
Performance of Imputation Algorithms on Artificially Produced Missing at Random Data, Tobias O. Oketch
A Novel Method for Synthesis of Hydroxytyrosol, Emmanuel Onobun
Teacher Passion as a Teaching Tool, Brent L. Palmer
A-type Lamins in Cell Cycle Regulation, Jaime L. Parman-Ryans
Cyberbullying Incidents Among African American Female Middle School Students, Yvette Pennington
Study of 2,5-Diaminoimidazolone, a Mutagenic Product of Oxidation of Guanine in DNA, Hannah Catherine J. Pollard
Computer Ratio and Student Achievement in Reading and Math in a North Carolina School District, Erica Preswood
The Old Deery Inn & Museum: An Ethnographic Case Study, Rebecca J. Proffitt
Prevalence of Communication Disorders in Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome on School Speech-Language Pathology Caseloads: A National Survey, Brittany V. Ratliff
The Perceptions of Success of Latino Nursing School Graduates in the Appalachian Region of the United States, Barbara M. Rauscher
Late Quaternary Dragon Lizards (Agamidae: Squamata) from Western Australia, Julie Rej
Teacher Perceptions of Using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports as Behavioral Interventions in a Pre-K-5 Elementary School: A Phenomenological Study, Meghann Roberts-Clawson
At the Intersection of Politics and Higher Education: Policy, Power, and Governing Boards in Oklahoma, Kirk Rodden
Possible Determinants of Treatment for Nonmedical Users of Pain Relievers and Stimulants, Dalton O. Rogers