Understanding the Role of a Tobacco Premnaspirodiene Oxygenase-like Enzyme SIP432 in Stress Signaling


D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

Start Date

4-5-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

4-5-2024 11:30 AM

Poster Number


Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Dhirendra Kumar

Faculty Sponsor's Department

Biological Sciences

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student

Competition Type



Poster Presentation

Presentation Category

Science, Technology and Engineering

Abstract or Artist's Statement

The innate pathways of plant immune systems are relatively unknown. Several known proteins contribute to pathogen resistance, but the overall metabolic pathway still remains largely unknown. By piecing together actions of various important proteins in immune response, the pathogen resistance pathways can be better understood. This study focuses on the characterization of a SABP2-interacting protein SIP432. SABP2 is an important protein in plant immunity. BLAST analysis shows that SIP432 is a premnaspirodiene oxygenase-like enzyme. Premnaspirodiene are sesquiterpenes that are enzymatically converted into antimicrobial compounds like solavetivone by hydroxylation. The interaction of SIP432 with tobacco SABP2, a critical component of salicylic acid-mediated plant immunity, implies a role for SIP432 in plant defense signaling. We are taking multiprong approach to understand the role of SIP432. Currently we are checking the changes in the expression of SIP432 in tobacco plants upon pathogen infection and an attempt is being made to clone the gene for biochemical characterization. Discovering the function of SIP432 could help uncover the immunity pathways and pathogen resistance in plants.

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Apr 5th, 9:00 AM Apr 5th, 11:30 AM

Understanding the Role of a Tobacco Premnaspirodiene Oxygenase-like Enzyme SIP432 in Stress Signaling

D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

The innate pathways of plant immune systems are relatively unknown. Several known proteins contribute to pathogen resistance, but the overall metabolic pathway still remains largely unknown. By piecing together actions of various important proteins in immune response, the pathogen resistance pathways can be better understood. This study focuses on the characterization of a SABP2-interacting protein SIP432. SABP2 is an important protein in plant immunity. BLAST analysis shows that SIP432 is a premnaspirodiene oxygenase-like enzyme. Premnaspirodiene are sesquiterpenes that are enzymatically converted into antimicrobial compounds like solavetivone by hydroxylation. The interaction of SIP432 with tobacco SABP2, a critical component of salicylic acid-mediated plant immunity, implies a role for SIP432 in plant defense signaling. We are taking multiprong approach to understand the role of SIP432. Currently we are checking the changes in the expression of SIP432 in tobacco plants upon pathogen infection and an attempt is being made to clone the gene for biochemical characterization. Discovering the function of SIP432 could help uncover the immunity pathways and pathogen resistance in plants.