Combating the Negative Narrative: Understanding and Decreasing the Impact of Ageist Stereotypes

Authors' Affiliations

Jodi Southerland, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University


D.P. Culp Center Room 304

Start Date

4-5-2024 2:30 PM

End Date

4-5-2024 3:30 PM

Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Erin Mauck

Faculty Sponsor's Department

Community and Behavioral Health

Competition Type



Oral Presentation

Presentation Category


Abstract or Artist's Statement

Ageism is one of the most common and yet underrecognized ‘isms’ in society. Ageist stereotypes play a powerful role in shaping how society thinks about, and interacts with, older individuals, and how individuals within the stereotyped group see themselves. Stereotypes such as these increase the likelihood that ageism becomes the entrenched context in which older adults are viewed, judged, and disserved. This presentation discusses the latest research on aging stereotypes using findings from three focus groups conducted in July 2023 among participants (n=29) aged 55 – 90 years old in Northeast Tennessee. In addition to the focus group, participants were instructed to complete the Societal Stereotypes of Senior Citizens Checklist by identifying the stereotypes that have affected them and the most harmful stereotypes. The three most commonly selected harmful stereotypes included: (1) older adults are a drain on society and contribute little to it (52%), (2) mental and physical deterioration are inevitable in old age (45%), and (3) aging makes it difficult to learn new skills (34%). Then most commonly selected stereotypes that affected participants were (1) becoming set in their ways due to age (41%) and (2) mental and physical deterioration are inevitable in old age (41%) Preliminary analyses of the focus groups suggest that aging stereotypes, discrimination, and misconceptions around aging are experienced in a variety of ways, and can vary based on the age cohort of the individual. In addition to the negative impacts of aging stereotypes, there are also benefits to aging, as well as ways to proactively address the negative effects of aging stereotypes.

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Apr 5th, 2:30 PM Apr 5th, 3:30 PM

Combating the Negative Narrative: Understanding and Decreasing the Impact of Ageist Stereotypes

D.P. Culp Center Room 304

Ageism is one of the most common and yet underrecognized ‘isms’ in society. Ageist stereotypes play a powerful role in shaping how society thinks about, and interacts with, older individuals, and how individuals within the stereotyped group see themselves. Stereotypes such as these increase the likelihood that ageism becomes the entrenched context in which older adults are viewed, judged, and disserved. This presentation discusses the latest research on aging stereotypes using findings from three focus groups conducted in July 2023 among participants (n=29) aged 55 – 90 years old in Northeast Tennessee. In addition to the focus group, participants were instructed to complete the Societal Stereotypes of Senior Citizens Checklist by identifying the stereotypes that have affected them and the most harmful stereotypes. The three most commonly selected harmful stereotypes included: (1) older adults are a drain on society and contribute little to it (52%), (2) mental and physical deterioration are inevitable in old age (45%), and (3) aging makes it difficult to learn new skills (34%). Then most commonly selected stereotypes that affected participants were (1) becoming set in their ways due to age (41%) and (2) mental and physical deterioration are inevitable in old age (41%) Preliminary analyses of the focus groups suggest that aging stereotypes, discrimination, and misconceptions around aging are experienced in a variety of ways, and can vary based on the age cohort of the individual. In addition to the negative impacts of aging stereotypes, there are also benefits to aging, as well as ways to proactively address the negative effects of aging stereotypes.