Psychology Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Psychology Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Loss of Rural Appalachian Recovery Meetings From Before to After COVID-19, Mary Jo Hedrick and Andrea D. Clements


“We Are Just Magic”: A Qualitative Examination of Self-Love Among Black Same-Gender Loving Men, Byron D. Brooks, Andréa R. Kaniuka, Darnell N. Motley, Sarah A. Job, and Stacey L. Williams


Social Support and Subjective Health in Fibromyalgia: Self-Compassion as a Mediator, Byron D. Brooks, Andrea R. Kaniuka, Jessica K. Rabon, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson K. Hirsch


The Enduring Behavioral and Neurobiological Effects of a Flavor Cue Paired With Alcohol Drinking During Adolescence on the Incentive Properties of the Flavor Cue in Adulthood in Female Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats, Gerald A. Deehan


Does Group Size Matter? Group Size and Symptom Reduction Among Incarcerated Women Receiving Psychotherapy Following Sexual Violence Victimization, Aubrey R. Dueweke, D. E. Higuera, M. J. Zielinski, M. E. Karlsson, and A. J. Bridges (2022)


Retention, Engagement, and Binge-Eating Outcomes: Evaluating Feasibility of the Binge-Eating Genetics Initiative Study, Rachael E. Flatt, Laura M. Thornton, Tosha Smith, Hannah Mitchell, Stuart Argue, Brian R. Baucom, Pascal R. Deboeck, Colin Adamo, Robyn E. Kilshaw, Qinxin Shi, Jenna Tregarthen, Jonathan E. Butner, and Cynthia M. Bulik


Prevalence of Opioid Use and Intimate Partner Violence among Pregnant Women in South-Central Appalachia, USA, Matthew W. Henninger, Andrea D. Clements, Sunha Kim, Emily F. Rothman, and Beth A. Bailey


Guidelines for Psychological Practice for People With Low-Income and Economic Marginalization: Executive Summary, Cindy L. Juntunen, Kipp R. Pietrantonio, Jameson K. Hirsch, Astrea Greig, Mindi N. Thompson, Denise E. Ross, and Amy H. Peterman


Taking Care of the Caregivers: The Moderating Role of Reflective Supervision in the Relationship Between COVID-19 Stress and the Mental and Professional Well-Being of the IECMH Workforce, Diana Morelen, Julia Najm, Megan Wolff, and Kelly Daniel


Using Machine Learning to Predict Heavy Drinking During Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Walter Roberts, Yize Zhao, Terril Verplaetse, Kelly E. Moore, MacKenzie R. Peltier, Catherine Burke, Yasmin Zakiniaeiz, and Sherry McKee


Impact of Effortful Word Recognition on Supportive Neural Systems Measured by Alpha and Theta Power, David B. Ryan, Mark A. Eckert, Eric W. Sellers, Kim S. Schairer, Matthew T. McBee, Marissa R. Jones, and Sherri L. Smith


Does Fat Talk Affect Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction?: Adults' Perceptions of Fat Talk in a Fictional Romantic Relationship, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Denise M. Martz, Doris G. Bazzini, Rose M. Webb, Madison M. Hinkle, and Lauren Francis


Sexual Minority Disparities in Opioid and Benzodiazepine Misuse Among Adults With Opioid Use Disorder, Cara A. Struble, Kathryn Thomas, Madeline R. Stenersen, Kelly E. Moore, Catherine Burke, Brian Pittman, and Sherry A. McKee


The Impact of Rejection Sensitivity on Self-Disclosure within the Context of Online Dating, Ginette C. Blackhart, Daisy K. Hernandez, Elizabeth Wilson, and Margaret A. Hance (2021)


Psychosocial Function, Legal Involvement and Violence in Mental Disorder, Alec Buchanan, Kelly E. Moore, Brian Pittman, and Sherry A. McKee


Neighborhood-Level Predictors of Sexual Violence Across Intimate Partner and Non-Intimate Partner Relationships: A Case–Control Study, Rachel Kate Carpenter and Jill Diane Stinson


Why Do Brief Online Writing Interventions Improve Health? Examining Mediators of Expressive Writing and Self-Affirmation Intervention Efficacy Among Sexual Minority Emerging Adults, Stephenie R. Chaudoir, Kriti Behari, Stacey L. Williams, and John E. Pachankis


Using Trauma Informed Principles in Health Communication: Improving Faith/Science/Clinical Collaboration to Address Addiction, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie A. Cyphers, Deborah L. Whittaker, Bridget Hamilton, and Brett McCarty


Initial Validation and Findings From the Willing/Ready Subscale of the Church Addiction Response Scale, Andrea D. Clements, Natalie Cyphers, Deborah L. Whittaker, and Brett McCarty (2021)


Infant Effects on Experimenter Behavior, Wallace E. Dixon, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, and Chelsea L. Robertson (2021)


Pocket ACE: Child sexual abuse survivors missed by the ACEs Study Questionnaire, Robyn A. Dolson, Diana M. Morelen, Julia C. Dodd, and Andrea D. Clements (2021)


Anticipated to Enacted: Structural Stigma Against Sexual and Gender Minorities Following the 2016 Presidential Election, Emma G. Fredrick, Abbey K. Mann, Byron D. Brooks, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2021)


The Impact of Marijuana Use on Cocaine Use Outcomes Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Across Five Trials of Contingency Management, Meredith K. Ginley, Lourah M. Kelley, Rory A. Pfund, Carla J. Rash, Sheila M. Alessi, and Kristyn Zajac (2021)


Long-Term Efficacy of Contingency Management Treatment Based on Objective Indicators of Abstinence From Illicit Substance Use Up To 1 Year Following Treatment: a Meta-Analysis., Meredith K. Ginley, Rory A. Pfund, Carla J. Rash, and Kristyn Zajac (2021)


Movement Filtered Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Data From a Chest-Worn Sensor, Christian Hanshans, Lukas M. Broell, Herbert Plischke, Martin Offenbaecher, Johannes Zauner, Moritz M. R. Faust, Bettina Maisch, Niko Kohls, Loren Toussaint, Jameson Hirsch, and Fuschia M. Siros


Positive Psychological Factors and Impairment in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease: Do Psychopathology and Sleep Quality Explain the Linkage?, Jameson K. Hirsch, Heather R. Altier, Martin Offenbächer, Loren Toussaint, Niko Kohls, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2021)


Negative Life Events and Suicide Risk in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-Compassion, Jameson K. Hirsch, Benjamin B. Hall, Haley A. Wise, Byron D. Brooks, Edward C. Chang, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2021)


Maternal Emotion Regulation Difficulties and the Intergenerational Transmission of Risk, Ka I. Ip, Megan McCrohan, Diana Morelen, Kate Fitzgerald, Maria Muzik, and Katherine Rosenblum (2021)


Self-Compassion and Suicidal Behavior: Indirect Effects of Depression, Anxiety, and Hopelessness Across Increasingly Vulnerable Samples, Jessica Kelliher-Rabon, Fuschia M. Sirois, Alison L. Barton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2021)


Persons With Histories of Traumatic Brain Injury and Problematic Sexual Behavior: An Exploratory Analysis, Carrie C. LeMay and Jill D. Stinson


Challenging the Link Between Early Childhood Television Exposure and Later Attention Problems: A Multiverse Approach, Matthew T. McBee, Rebecca J. Brand, and Wallace E. Dixon (2021)


Co-rumination With Parents and Friends: Gender-Specific Links to Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms, Rachel L. Miller-Slough and Julie C. Dunsmore (2021)


Concurrent Gaming Disorder/Internet Gaming Disorder and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Dependency in Emerging Adults, Hannah G. Mitchell, Rachelle Kromash, Laura J. Holt, and Meredith K. Ginley (2021)


Social Network Characteristics among Racial/Ethnic Minority Young Adult Males with Prior Criminal Justice System Involvement, Kelly E. Moore, Derrick M. Gordon, Talea Cornelius, and Trace Kershaw (2021)


Stressful Life Events Among Incarcerated Women and Men: Association With Depression, Loneliness, Hopelessness, and Suicidality, Kelly E. Moore, Shania Siebert, Garrett Brown, Julia Felton, and Jennifer E. Johnson (2021)


A Pilot Study of Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Initiating Use of a Hybrid Closed-Loop System While Receiving a Behavioral Economics Intervention, Laura M. Nally, Julie Wagner, Jennifer Sherr, Eileen Tichy, Kate Weyman, Meredith K. Ginley, Kristyn Zajac, Marcia Desousa, Veronika Shabanova, Nancy M. Petry, William V. Tamborlane, and Michelle Van Name (2021)


Pain Is Not the Major Determinant of Quality of Life in Fibromyalgia: Results From a Retrospective “Real World” Data Analysis of Fibromyalgia Patients, Martin Offenbaecher, Niko Kohls, Thomas Ewert, Claudia Sigl, Robin Hieblinger, Loren L. Toussaint, Fuschia Sirois, Jameson K. Hirsch, Miguel A. Vallejo, Sybille Kramer, Javier Rivera, Gerold Stucki, Jörg Schelling, and Andreas Winkelmann (2021)


Bidirectional Control of Infant Rat Social Behavior via Dopaminergic Innervation of the Basolateral Amygdala, Maya Opendak, Charlis Raineki, Rosemarie E. Perry, Millie Rincón-Cortés, Soomin C. Song, Roseanna M. Zanca, Emma Wood, Katherine Packard, Shannon Hu, Joyce Woo, Krissian Martinez, K. Y. Vinod, Russell W. Brown, Gerald A. Deehan, Robert C. Froemke, Peter A. Serrano, and Donald A. Wilson


Sex Differences across Retrospective Transitions in Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use Disorders, MacKenzie R. Peltier, Walter Roberts, Terril L. Verplaetse, Yasmin Zakiniaeiz, Catherine Burke, Kelly E. Moore, and Sherry A. McKee


Increased Demographic Representation in Randomized Control Trials for Gambling Disorder in the United States is Needed: a Systematic Review, Samuel C. Peter, Rory A. Pfund, and Meredith K. Ginley (2021)


Contingency Management for Treatment Attendance: a Meta-Analysis, Rory A. Pfund, Meredith K. Ginley, Carla J. Rash, and Kristyn Zajac (2021)


Dropout From Face-To-Face, Multi-Session Psychological Treatments for Problem and Disordered Gambling: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Rory A. Pfund, Samuel C. Peter, Nicholas W. McAfee, Meredith K. Ginley, James P. Whelan, and Andrew W. Meyers (2021)

Clinical Impact of Confinement Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients With Fibromyalgia: A Cohort Study, J. Rivera, I. Castrejón, L. Vallejo-Slocker, M. Offenbächer, J. Molina-Collada, L. Trives, K. López, L. Caballero, Jameson K. Hirsch, L. Toussaint, J. C. Nieto, J. M. Alvaro-Gracia, and M. A. Vallejo (2021)


Prospective Associations of Pain Intensity and Substance Use in the United States Population: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis, Walter Roberts, Kelly E. Moore, Terril L. Verplaetse, Yasmin Zakiniaeiz, Catherine Burke, Mackenzie R. Peltier, and Sherry A. McKee (2021)


Marijuana Use in Opioid Exposed Pregnancy Increases Risk of Preterm Birth, Darshan S. Shah, Emmitt L. Turner, Alyson J. Chroust, Kathryn L. Duvall, David L. Wood, and Beth A. Bailey (2021)


A Person-Centred Test of Multidimensional Perfectionism and Health in People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Versus Healthy Controls, Fuschia M. Sirois, Loren Toussaint, Jameson K. Hirsch, Niko Kohls, and Martin Offenbächer (2021)


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Suicidality and Self-Harm in Persons in Secure Forensic Care, Jill D. Stinson, Alyssa P. Gretak, Rachel K. Carpenter, and Megan A. Quinn


Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Onset of Aggression and Criminality in a Forensic Inpatient Sample, Jill D. Stinson, Megan A. Quinn, Anthony A. Menditto, and Carrie C. LeMay (2021)


Evaluating the Prevalence of Child Psychosocial Concerns in Rural Primary Care, Matthew Tolliver, Jodi Polaha, Stacey L. William, and Christina R. Studts (2021)


Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Deep Breathing, and Guided Imagery in Promoting Psychological and Physiological States of Relaxation, Loren Toussaint, Quang A. Nguyen, Claire Roettger, Kiara Dixon, Martin Offenbächer, Niko Kohls, Jameson Hirsch, and Fuschia Sirois (2021)


Psychological Flexibility Is Key for Reducing the Severity and Impact of Fibromyalgia, Miguel A. Vallejo, Laura Vallejo-Slocker, Martin Offenbaecher, Jameson K. Hirsch, Loren L. Toussaint, Niko Kohls, Fuschia Sirois, and Javier Rivera (2021)


Sex and Alcohol Use Disorder Predict the Presence of Cancer, Respiratory, and Other Medical Conditions: Findings From the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III, Terril L. Verplaetse, MacKenzie R. Peltier, Walter Roberts, Catherine Burke, Kelly E. Moore, Brian Pittman, and Sherry A. McKee (2021)


Patient Perceptions of Trauma-Focused Telemental Health Services Using the Telehealth Satisfaction Questionnaire (TSQ), B. T. Villalobos, Aubrey R. Dueweke, R. Orengo-Aguayo, and R. W. Stewart (2021)


Efficacy of Guided Versus Self-Induced Learning of Web-Based Self-Compassionate Journaling by College Students, Jessica Williamson and Ginette C. Blackhart (2021)


Coping and Suicide in College Students: Does Being Optimistic Matter?, Shangwen Yi, Edward C. Chang, Olivia D. Chang, Noelle J. Seward, Leah B. Mcavoy, Emmaleigh R. Krause, Miranda R. Schaffer, Claire J. Novak, Ka Ip, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2021)


Concealment as a Moderator of Anticipated Stigma and Psychiatric Symptoms, Byron D. Brooks, Sarah A. Job, Emily A. Clark, Emerson A. Todd, and Stacey L. Williams (2020)


Intersectional Patterns of Prejudice Confrontation by White, Heterosexual, and Cisgender Allies, Kim A. Case, Desdamona Rios, Amy Lucas, Kelsey Braun, and Carrie Enriquez (2020)


Hope as a Process in Understanding Positive Mood and Suicide Protection: A Test of the Broaden-and-Build Model, Edward C. Chang, Xinying Jiang, Weiyi Tian, Shangwen Yi, Jiting Liu, Pengwei Liang, Yongyi Liang, Siyu Lai, Xiaoxuan Shi, Mingqi Li, Olivia D. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2020)


Beyond the Role of Loneliness in Psychological Ill-Being and Well-Being in Females: Do Social Problem-Solving Processes Still Matter?, Edward C. Chang, Weiyi Tian, Xinying Jiang, Shangwen Yi, Jiting Liu, Yuetong Bai, Chang Liu, Xuchi Luo, Weijia Wang, Olivia D. Chang, Mingqi Li, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2020)


The Common Factors of Grit, Hope, and Optimism Differentially Influence Suicide Resilience, Déjà N. Clement, Laricka R. Wingate, Ashley B. Cole, Victoria M. O’keefe, David W. Hollingsworth, Collin L. Davidson, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2020)


Creating a Communitywide System of Trauma-Informed Care, Andrea D. Clements, Becky Haas, Natalie A. Cyphers, Valerie Hoots, and Joseph Barnet (2020)


Do Behavioral Measures of Self-Control Assess Construct-Level Variance?, Parker A. Dreves, Ginette C. Blackhart, and Matthew T. McBee (2020)


Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP): A Novel Mechanism for Reducing Ethanol Consumption and Seeking Behaviors in Female Alcohol Preferring (P) Rats, Sheketha R. Hauser, Robert A. Waeiss, Andrei I. Molosh, Gerald A. Deehan, Richard L. Bell, William J. McBride, and Zachary A. Rodd (2020)


Educational Needs of Patients With Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Attending a Large Health Facility in Austria, Jameson K. Hirsch, Loren Toussaint, Martin Offenbächer, Niko Kohls, Christian Hanshans, Miguel Vallejo, Javier Rivera, Fuschia Sirois, Johannes Untner, Bertram Hölzl, Martin Gaisberger, and Mwidimi Ndosi (2020)


Fibromyalgia Impact and Depressive Symptoms: Can Perceiving a Silver Lining Make a Difference?, Jameson K. Hirsch, Morgan K. Treaster, Andrea R. Kaniuka, Byron D. Brooks, Fuschia M. Sirois, Niko Kohls, Eberhard Nöfer, Loren L. Toussaint, and Martin Offenbächer (2020)


Potential Neural Mediators of Mom Power Parenting Intervention Effects on Maternal Intersubjectivity and Stress Resilience, S. Shaun Ho, Maria Muzik, Katherine L. Rosenblum, Diana Morelen, Yoshio Nakamura, and James E. Swain (2020)


Translating Online Positive Psychology Interventions to Sexual and Gender Minorities: A Systematic Review, Sarah A. Job and Stacey L. Williams (2020)


Gratitude and Lower Suicidal Ideation Among Sexual Minority Individuals: Theoretical Mechanisms of the Protective Role of Attention to the Positive, Andrea R. Kaniuka, Sarah A. Job, Byron D. Brooks Academic Affairs Instruction, and Stacey L. Williams (2020)


“Built on Respect and Good Honest Communication:” a Study of Partnerships Between Mental Health Providers and Community Corrections, Michael P. Lasher and Jill D. Stinson (2020)


Collaboration in Giftedness and Talent Development Research, Matthew C. Makel, Kendal N. Smith, Erin M. Miller, Scott J. Peters, and Matthew T. McBee (2020)


Emotion Socialization by Parents and Friends: Links With Adolescent Emotional Adjustment, Rachel L. Miller-Slough and Julie C. Dunsmore (2020)


Risk Factors for Self-stigma among Incarcerated Women with Alcohol Use Disorder, Kelly E. Moore, Michael D. Stein, Megan E. Kurth, Lindsey Stevens, Maji Hailemariam, Yael C. Schonbrun, and Jennifer E. Johnson

Parenting Intervention for Mothers with High vs. Low Psychological Risk changes Neural Activity related to an Own Child Face Empathy Task, M. Musik, S. Ho, Diana Morelen, J. Swain, K. Rosenblum, J. K. Zubieta, and J. Swain (2020)


Brief Online Interventions for LGBTQ Young Adult Mental and Behavioral Health: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context, John E. Pachankis, Stacey L. Williams, Kriti Behari, Sarah Job, Erin M. McConocha, and Stephenie R. Chaudoir (2020)


Assessment and Treatment of Internet Gaming Disorder, Samuel C. Peter, Meredith K. Ginley, and Rory A. Pfund (2020)


Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Gamblers’ Beliefs Questionnaire Between Gamblers in the United States and Argentina, Samuel C. Peter, Meredith K. Ginley, James P. Whelan, and Walter R. Winfree (2020)


Is More Better? a Meta-Analysis of Dose and Efficacy in Face-To-Face Psychological Treatments for Problem and Disordered Gambling, Rory A. Pfund, Samuel C. Peter, James P. Whelan, Andrew W. Meyers, Meredith K. Ginley, and George Relyea (2020)


Effects of Lifestyle Interventions for Arterial Hypertension in Primary Care: A Systematic Review, Linda Sanftenberg, Marius Badermann, Niko Kohls, Annemarie Weber, Jörg Schelling, Fuschia Sirois, Loren Toussaint, Jameson Hirsch, and Martin Offenbächer (2020)


Sexual Minority Quality of Life: The Indirect Effect of Public Stigma Through Self-Compassion, Authenticity, and Internalized Stigma, Stacey L. Williams, E. G. Fredrick, and S. L. LaDuke (2020)


A Critical Deconstructed Quantitative Analysis: Sexual and Gender Minority Stress Through an Intersectional Lens, Stacey L. Williams, Sarah A. Job, Emerson Todd, and Kelsey Braun (2020)


Monetary Reinforcement for Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Among Young People With Type 1 Diabetes: Evaluating Effects on Psychosocial Functioning, J. J. Wong, A. Addala, D. D. Naranjo, K. K. Hood, E. Cengiz, Meredith K. Ginley, R. S. Feinn, and J. A. Wagner (2020)


Treatments of Internet Gaming Disorder: a Systematic Review of the Evidence, Kristyn Zajac, Meredith K. Ginley, and Rocio Chang (2020)


Eating Disorder Symptoms and Proneness in Gay Men, Lesbian Women, and Transgender and Non-conforming Adults: Comparative Levels and a Proposed Mediational Model, Kathryn Bell, Elizabeth Rieger, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)


Intravenous and Oral Caffeine Self-Administration in Rats, Curtis A. Bradley and Matthew I. Palmatier (2019)


Insomnia and Risk for Suicidal Behavior: A Test of a Mechanistic Transdiagnostic Model in Veterans, Peter C. Britton, Jessica M. McKinney, Todd M. Bishop, Wilfred R. Pigeon, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)


Relationship between Future Orientation and Pain Severity in Fibromyalgia Patients: Self-Compassion as a Coping Mechanism, Edward C. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, Olivia D. Chang, Harrison D. Angoff, Mingqi Li, Ashley H. Duong, Judy Huang, Marisa J. Perera, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)


Sexual Assault History and Self-Destructive Behaviors in Women College Students: Testing the Perniciousness of Perfectionism in Predicting Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviors, Edward C. Chang, Miranda R. Schaffer, Claire J. Novak, Devin B. Ablow, Alaina E. Gregory, Olivia D. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)


Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness Explain the Relationship Between Sleep Problems and Suicide Risk Among Adults Identifying as Sexual and/or Gender Minorities, Carol Chu, Melanie A. Hom, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Thomas E. Joiner (2019)


Prenatal Substance Use: Religious Women Report Lower Use Rates, but Do They Use Less?, Andrea D. Clements and Natalie A. Cyphers (2019)


Thinking Into the Future: How a Future Time Perspective Improves Self-Control, Parker A. Dreves and Ginette C. Blackhart (2019)


Cumulative Sociodemographic Risk Indicators for Difficult Child Temperament, Natasha Gouge, Wallace Dixon, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, and Jaima S. Price (2019)


Conditioned Stimuli Affect Ethanol-Seeking by Female Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats: The Role of Repeated-Deprivations, Cue-Pretreatment, and Cue-Temporal Intervals, Sheketha R. Hauser, Gerald A. Deehan, Christopher P. Knight, Robert A. Waeiss, William A. Truitt, Philip L. Johnson, Richard L. Bell, William J. McBride, and Zachary A. Rodd (2019)


Negative Life Events and Suicide Risk in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-Compassion, Jameson K. Hirsch, Benjamin B. Hall, Haley A. Wise, Byron D. Brooks, Edward C. Chang, and Fuschia M. Sirois (2019)


Perceived Stress and Suicidal Behaviors in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health Stigma, Jameson K. Hirsch, Jessica Kelliher Rabon, Esther E. Reynolds, Alison L. Barton, and Edward C. Chang (2019)


Faces, Locations, and Tools: A Proposed Two-Stimulus p300 Brain Computer Interface, M. R. Jones and E. W. Sellers (2019)


Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Self-Compassion, Andrea Kaniuka, Jessica Kelliher-Rabon, Edward C. Chang, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson Hirsch (2019)


Stigma and Suicide Risk Among the LGBTQ Population: Are Anxiety and Depression to Blame and Can Connectedness to the LGBTQ Community Help?, Andrea Kaniuka, Kelley C. Pugh, Megan Jordan, Byron Brooks, Julia Dodd, Abbey K. Mann, Stacey L. Williams, and Jameson Hirsch (2019)


Toward Understanding Mental Illness Stigma and Help-Seeking: A Social Identity Perspective, Kathleen A. Klik, Stacey L. Williams, and Katherine J. Reynolds (2019)


Academic Motivation and Psychological Needs as Predictors of Suicidal Risk, Jerin Lee, Edward C. Chang, Abigael G. Lucas, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)


Perfectionism and Social Problem Solving as Predictors of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Ethnoracially Diverse College Students: Findings Controlling for Concomitant Suicide Risk, Abigael G. Lucas, Edward C. Chang, Mingqi Li, Olivia D. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2019)