"Detection of Jamming Attacks in VANETs" by Thomas Justice

Honors Program

Honors in Technology

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Biju R. Bajracharya

Thesis Professor Department


Thesis Reader(s)

Mohammad S. Khan


A vehicular network is a type of communication network that enables vehicles to communicate with each other and the roadside infrastructure. The roadside infrastructure consists of fixed nodes such as roadside units (RSUs), traffic lights, road signs, toll booths, and so on. RSUs are devices equipped with communication capabilities that allow vehicles to obtain and share real-time information about traffic conditions, weather, road hazards, and other relevant information. These infrastructures assist in traffic management, emergency response, smart parking, autonomous driving, and public transportation to improve roadside safety, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance the overall driving experience. However, communication between the vehicles and the infrastructure devices could be deliberately disrupted by cyber attackers to cause fatal traffic accidents or congestion. One of the common methods used by such attackers is the wireless jamming attack, where the attacker uses a jamming device to transmit high-power radio signals on the same frequency that the vehicular network is using. This causes interference, delays, or prevents legitimate communications to the vehicles, disabling them from responding to obstacles, emergency services, and warning messages, resulting in serious consequences and posing a significant threat to the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. These safety concerns could be mitigated or avoided by implementing appropriate security measures to protect against jamming. This thesis will provide an overview of the vehicular network system and discuss security measures and methods needed to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the vehicular communication system.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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