"The Disney College Experience: A Full Recollection of Moments and Memo" by Lauren Jumonville

Honors Program

Honors in Theatre and Dance

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Jonathon Taylor

Thesis Professor Department

Theatre and Dance

Thesis Reader(s)

Melissa Shafer, Ante Ursić


I decided to do the Disney College Program as my honors thesis because Disney is something I am very passionate about. I worked for the Disney Company before and knew that I wanted to continue my experience with them. I went into the program hoping to discover what the college program could do to prepare me (or any prospective programmer) for the profession and for a life in performance. In January of 2023, I made my way to Orlando, Florida, to start my next journey with the Walt Disney World Company. I went through four different orientation processes, as well as a week of training and an assessment period. For five months I worked for the company in a performance-based position, with hopes of discovering if there could be more opportunity to advance in performance. I discovered that by simply doing the job I was assigned well, my name was already beginning to circulate amongst Disney recruitment and leadership. This is the account of my semester in Walt Disney World. This thesis will cover everything from the application process to testimonials from other cast members. My hope is that my thesis can be a starting point for prospective applicants to this program. It is my hope that this will help prepare applicants for what is to come from the program, and the endless amount of performance opportunities and growth that stem from this internship.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.


Copyright by the authors.
