"A Literature Review on Teaching Text Comprehension to Students with In" by Abigail Combs

Honors Program

[No Longer Offered]

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Pamela J. Mims

Thesis Professor Department

Educational Foundations and Special Education

Thesis Reader(s)

John Wheeler


The purpose of this review is to determine if particular instructional strategies, from a sufficient number of studies, are qualified as an evidence-based practice (EBP) for teaching text-based comprehension skills across content areas for students with intellectual disabilities (ID). This focused review will be added on to the previous review conducted by Mims et al. (in submission) where the search ended in 2018. Due to the time gap in the searched literature, the studies included within the Mims et al. study is no longer comprehensive. Therefore, this focused review of the literature will fill the gap of literature that was missing between 2018 to the present (i.e., April 2023). By combining these two literature reviews together, a much more thorough comprehensive review of the literature will be formed to demonstrate instructional strategies that qualify as an evidence-based practice for teaching text-based comprehension skills across core content areas to students with ID. The concentration within both reviews will ultimately provide guidance to educators on EBPs for instruction on text-based comprehension across content areas for students with ID, illustrate potential research gaps, and identify methods to strengthen research in the future.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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Copyright by the authors.
