"Mechanisms of Formation of Novel Guanine-Guanine Cross-Links as Major " by Evan Dunn

Honors Program

Honors in Chemistry

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Marina Roginskaya

Thesis Professor Department


Thesis Reader(s)

Abbas Shilabin


Guanine (G), as the most oxidizable base in DNA, is the major focus of studies of oxidation damage to DNA. The present thesis reports the first detailed characterization of G dimerization products potentially resulting from recombination of neutral G• radicals. Previous research has discovered a novel type of products of G• dimerization, D1 and D2, formed from one-electron oxidation of G derivatives. However, the mechanism of this dimerization remains elusive. While there appears to be a tautomeric equilibrium between two forms of G•, G(N1-H)• or G(N2-H)•, it remains unclear which intermediate participates in the formation of D1 and D2. By methylation at the N1 position, it was demonstrated by using reverse-phase HPLC and 1H-NMR analysis that hydrogens at the exocyclic N2 position are absolutely required for the D1 and D2 analogs to be produced, while hydrogen at the N1 position is not required. This provides evidence in favor of the hypothesis that G(N2-H)• is the major contributor to the pathway resulting in D1 and D2.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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