Honors Program

Honors in Biology

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Thomas C. Jones, Darrell Moore

Thesis Professor Department

Biological Sciences

Thesis Reader(s)

Thomas C. Jones, Darrell Moore, Karl H. Joplin


Circadian rhythms are endogenous cycles that control physiological and behavioral changes that can be affected by environmental factors which allow most eukaryotic organisms to synchronize their daily activities with the 24-hour day. Parasteatoda tepidariorum,the common house spider, demonstrates a short-period circadian clock averaging 21.6 hours when left in constant darkness, yet they are able to entrain to a 24-hour light cycle. We tested whether these spiders were able to use non-photic Zeitgebers to entrain to the 24-hour day. Periodic presentation of food and disturbance were not found to be effective cues for the spiders’ entrainment. A few individuals were clearly able to entrain to an 8 oC amplitude temperature cycle, while most did not.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Withheld

Creative Commons License

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