Honors Program

University Honors

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Jeremy Ross

Thesis Professor Department

Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media

Thesis Reader(s)

Joseph Shrestha, Jinseok Hong


Considering the complexity of the construction industry, it is vital to predict costs accurately throughout the entire planning, design, and construction process of a project. Various factors such as overhead, delays, cost variation, and program and scope play significant roles in determining the viability and profitability of a project. Thus, it is important to learn about what makes construction estimates so variable even among expert estimators within the same company. This study will look at the estimation methods used by BurWil Construction Company and Denark Construction, Inc. for the ETSU Football Stadium and the ETSU Fine Arts Center, respectively, as case studies for both post- and in-development construction projects. The estimates used in different phases of the projects will be compared against the most current cost of the project; the final cost for the Football Stadium and the most up-to-date costs for the Fine Arts Center. Also, the different phases of design and construction and their corresponding estimates will be inspected thoroughly. As an ending discussion of the study, optimization efforts will be considered to assess how current planning and estimation methods can be improved to reduce cost and time for all parties involved in the project.


East Tennessee State University

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Withheld

Creative Commons License

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