"Assessing the Nutrition Knowledge and Body Image Perceptions of Minori" by Michele L. Becerra

Honors Program

Midway Honors

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Michelle Lee

Thesis Professor Department

Allied Health Sciences

Thesis Reader(s)

Elizabeth Lowe, Carshonda Harris


The health status of African American and Hispanic communities is in need of intervention. These minority groups have a health disparity gap from other races. The incidences of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity are greater in the African American and Hispanic communities. There is a need to continue addressing the specific health issues, along with ideas of body perception, plaguing the African American and Hispanic populations in the United States. Such disparities typically include those who follow “western” diets, have a lack of exercise, are predisposed to chronic illness, as well as have a need for continuous education of the subject matter. This research project is addressing the need for nutrition interventions in the Johnson City, Tennessee minority community, specifically the African American and Hispanic populations. Prevention can be a useful tool in the reduction of health disparities. Freshman, minority students represent a suitable population to implement prevention strategies. East Tennessee State University’s Quest Program is designed specifically for freshman, minority students. The focus group of this research project includes the participants of the Quest program at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). The purpose of this research is to determine the degree of nutrition knowledge and to assess perceptions of body image of minority freshman at ETSU.

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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