"Determining Patient Activation Levels among Patients who are Receiving" by Danielle S. Vittatoe

Honors Program

Honors in Nursing

Date of Award


Thesis Professor(s)

Dr. Florence Weierbach

Thesis Professor Department


Thesis Reader(s)

Martha Bringhurst, Dr. Joseph Florence


Research shows that one of the major contributors for an extended stay in a long-term care facility is lack of knowledge regarding goals for rehabilitation after being discharged from an acute care facility. It is important to determine patients’ levels of engagement because individuals who are actively involved in discharge planning and rehabilitation goals are able to manage their ongoing care more effectively, which results in increased quality of life. The data was collected using a survey method and the instrument used was the Patient Activation Measure or PAM which is a highly accurate and reliable tool. The 22 question survey was used to determine the level of patient activation among patients who are currently receiving rehabilitation services at a rehabilitation or long-term care facility. Determining the level of engagement in patients receiving rehabilitation services will provide health care providers insight into the how willing patients are to be engaged in their own care. A total of 11 surveys were completed by patients varying age, gender, and length of stay. Each patient was currently receiving rehabilitation services at National Healthcare Corporation of Johnson City or John M. Reed Health and Rehabilitation Facility in Limestone.

Document Type

Honors Thesis - Open Access

Creative Commons License

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