"Handbook of Research on Science Literacy Integration in Classroom Envi" by Chih-Che Tai, Renee Moran et al.
Handbook of Research on Science Literacy Integration in Classroom Environments


Handbook of Research on Science Literacy Integration in Classroom Environments


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Secondary schools are continually faced with the task of preparing students for a world that is more connected, advanced, and globalized than ever before. In order to adequately prepare students for their future, educators must provide them with strong reading and writing skills, as well as the ability to understand scientific concepts.

The Handbook of Research on Science Literacy Integration in Classroom Environments is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the importance of cross-curriculum/discipline connections in improving student understanding and education. While highlighting topics such as curriculum integration, online learning, and instructional coaching, this publication explores practices in teaching students how to analyze and interpret data, as well as reading, writing, and speaking. This book is ideally designed for teachers, graduate-level students, academicians, instructional designers, administrators, and education researchers seeking current research on science literacy adoption in contemporary classrooms.

Handbook of Research on Science Literacy Integration in Classroom Environments
