"Corrigendum to “IL-10 Induces an Immune Repressor Pathway in Sepsis by" by Isatou Bah, Ajinkya Kumbhare et al.

Corrigendum to “IL-10 Induces an Immune Repressor Pathway in Sepsis by Promoting S100A9 Nuclear Localization and MDSC Development” [Cell Immunol. 332 (2018) 32–38] (Cellular Immunology (2018) 332 (32–38), (S0008874918300595), (10.1016/j.cellimm.2018.07.003))

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The authors regret the incorrect publication of Fig. 7C in the original article. The right protein band (S100A9/cytosolic) in the top Western blot image in Fig. 7C was a duplicate of the right band (S100A9/cytosolic) of the top right image in Fig. 7B. This was due to a mistake in the cutting and alignment of the correct bands. The correct bands in Fig. 7C have been restored and are presented below. This correction does not influence the results or any parts of the paper. [Figure presented] The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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