"Factors Associated with Maternal Drug Use and the Severity of Neonatal" by P. Agarwal, Beth A. Bailey et al.

Factors Associated with Maternal Drug Use and the Severity of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Document Type

Book Contribution

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Book Summary: Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities (or simply, Break the Cycle) is an annual collaborative interdisciplinary research and training program involving university students in academic tracks that focus on the impact of adverse social, economic, and environmental factors on children’s health, development, and education. The target populations are communities where environmental hazards are related to circumstances of social and economic disadvantage.

Each student develops a project that focuses on preventing or reducing adverse environmental factors to benefit the children who live in these communities. At the end of the project, the students present their studies and findings at a national conference and write papers which are then published. This book is the result of the 12th annual Break the Cycle program. The projects cover a range of factors that operate over a period of time and have an influence on individual, community, and social perspectives. Most importantly, they inform us about children’s environmental health disparities and propose solutions to reduce health disparities in order to promote health equity for all children.
