"Recruitment Strategies Utilizing the Group Dynamic" by Glenda Stockwell, Peter R. Bockhorst et al.

Recruitment Strategies Utilizing the Group Dynamic

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One of the challenges facing interns and faculty in family medicine residencies each year is finding ways to accurately assess baseline skills and begin the process of providing effective training for residents who come from a wide variety of educational programs and professional experiences. For the past two years our orientation process has included a focused evaluation of interns in each of the areas of the ACGME core competencies. The use of OSCEs, Human Patient Simulator scenarios, observed physical exams, practice In Training Exams, EKG interpretation, and competency-based self assessments provides both interns and faculty with a good understanding of strengths and deficits and leads to an early opportunity to structure experiences designed to optimize those critical first few months of residency.


Vancouver, BC

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