Healthy Homes: Warmer, Safer, Drier Equals Healthier

Document Type


Publication Date

November 2019


Housing and health care are more closely related than ever before. To address this issue head-on, Ballad Health, Appalachia Service Project, and East Tennessee State University's College of Public Health created a regional partnership to research and provide a more holistic and effective approach to healthcare by meeting the housing needs of families in northeast Tennessee and southwest Virginia. Presenters will be Nicole Intagliata, Director of Programs at ASP, and Megan Quinn, Associate Professor at East Tennessee State University. (Megan is replacing Paula Masters from Ballad Health who was originally scheduled to speak.) The session will conclude with a short presentation by Nick Oliver of Hinton Rural Life Center, winner of the Best Practices Award for Home Repair Practices. He'll share about their Healthy Homes Checklist, work with their local Red Cross chapter to check for proper smoke detector installation, and partnership with health care providers to help improve conditions at homes that are linked to health concerns.


Kingsport, TN

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