"A Multifaceted Approach to Enhancing Awareness and Development of Facu" by Leonard B. Cross, Jodi Polaha et al.

A Multifaceted Approach to Enhancing Awareness and Development of Faculty With IPE

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The lack of interprofessional training for providers entering the healthcare system was identified as a major omission in the preparation of healthcare workers in the early 2000's. Subsequently, the World Health Organization identified a need for the development of Interprofessional education (IPE) programs to adequately prepare providers to work in teams. Since then, the pedagogy and evidence base for IPE has grown.

However, there has been little focus on preparing faculty to teach from an interprofessional model. Ratka et al. conducted a literature review of articles appearing in several data bases up until December 2015 and found only 17 published papers describing an Interprofessional Education Faculty Development (IPEFD) program or providing empirical support. Further, in a comparative study of global interprofessional education initiatives researchers identified several barriers to implementing IPE programs including “teaching,” “faculty attitudes,” “training of implementors” and “professional development of IPE educators”.

To address the shortage in trained educators, some accrediting bodies have included a standard for adequately trained faculty to provide IPE instruction. Therefore, an important first step in implementing IPE is increasing the awareness of IPE across a Health Sciences Center campus as well as meeting the need for faculty training and support.

This poster describes the complexity of an institution-wide approach to increasing awareness, then interest, and finally engagement with & development in a structured IPE program at an Academic Health Sciences Center campus within a regional, state-funded university. The use of various programmatic structures including IPE Grand Rounds, IPE Course Innovation Development, IPE Emerging Leaders Program, and a formal IPE Faculty Meta Development Process will be described.

This multifaceted approach included new programming that both increased awareness of the IPE philosophy at our institution as well as increasing opportunities for formal development of faculty within our IPE programming. This multi-pronged approached allowed for a ladder of engagement for faculty at all levels of interest.


Minneapolis, Minnesota

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