"Clinician Evaluators: Take Your Mark!" by Jodi Polaha, William Lusenhop et al.

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  • Discuss two implementation outcomes (adoption and reach) and explain why they are important for clinicians to measure and report, with application to own work.
  • Name sources of data that are accessible to clinicians in health care settings, with consideration of own setting.
  • Describe a range of dissemination strategies used to create impact, including new ideas for dissemination of own work.


  • Proctor, E. K., Silmere, H., Raghavan, R., Hovmand, P., Aarons, G. A., Bunger, A., . . . Hensley, M. (2011). Outcomes for implementation research: Conceptual distinctions, measurement challenges, and research agenda. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(2), 65-76. doi:10.1007/s10488-010-0319-7.
  • Polaha, J., & Sunderji, N. (2018). A vision for the future of Families, Systems, & Health: Focusing on science at the point of care delivery. Families, Systems, & Health, 36(4), 423-426.
  • Polaha, J., Schetzina, K., Baker, M., & Morelen, D., (2018). Adoption and reach of parent management interventions in pediatric primary care. Families, Systems, & Health, 36(4), 507-512.
  • Funderburk, J. & Polaha, J. (2017). To clinician innovators: A special invitation. Families, Systems, and Health, 35(2), 105-109
  • Polaha, J. & Nolan (2014). Dissemination and implementation science: research for the real world medical family therapist. In J. Hodgson, T. Mendenhall, & A. Lamson (Eds). Medical Family Therapy. Switzerland: Springer International.


Denver, Colorado

Copyright Statement

Authors are permitted to submit their presentation materials to repositories. The documents were originally provided by Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference.
