"Transition Needs of Parents of Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Sp" by Cecily L. Betz, Wendy M. Nehring et al.

Transition Needs of Parents of Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities

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The period of health care transition (HCT) for adolescents and emerging adults with special health care needs and disabilities involves a complex realignment of the parent–child relationship, including alterations in role responsibilities and decision making. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the research designs, methodology, and findings reported in studies of parents during this transition period to provide new insights for research and clinical practice. Results showed that parents were unable to clearly envision what the future held for their children and were not well prepared by the service system to anticipate future prospects. These parents have a myriad of needs that are not yet fully understood, as HCT research is in the early stages of development.
