"edTPA: Strategies and Supports for Teacher Candidates in Secondary Edu" by Norma Hogan and Terryl Rock

edTPA: Strategies and Supports for Teacher Candidates in Secondary Education

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First, Norma Hogan and Terryl Rock will briefly review the challenges of working with teacher candidates in secondary education. Then, we will discuss the strategies and supports we have developed to meet our teacher candidate’s needs, provide examples of strategies and supports we have found effective with this group, and involve participants in sharing their ideas and lessons learned.

A few examples of strategies include offering special workshops on lesson planning, developing assignments that mirror edTPA tasks, and changing our academic language to match edTPA terminology. A few examples of supports include a revised lesson plan template and providing models, sentence frames, and annotations for edTPA responses. We will also involve participants through questioning and small group discussion in sharing their experiences and what has/has not worked.


Cookeville, TN
