Exploring Student Perceptions of Group Interaction and Class Satisfaction in the Web-Enhanced Classroom
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This paper presents an exploratory study of a web-enhanced televised class encouraging learner-learner interaction in small online groups. The purpose of the study was to examine whether various interactions among students in small groups could substitute for one-on-one interaction between the instructor and each student and lead to high levels of perceived class interaction and student satisfaction. It was found that perceptions of overall class interaction and student satisfaction seem to be positively affected by small group interaction. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Citation Information
Driver, Michaela. 2002. Exploring Student Perceptions of Group Interaction and Class Satisfaction in the Web-Enhanced Classroom. Internet and Higher Education. Vol.5(1). 35-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1096-7516(01)00076-8 ISSN: 1096-7516