Increased Premenstrual Dosing of Nefazodone Relieves Premenstrual Magnification of Depression
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We report on 3 subjects with premenstrual magnification of major depression (PMMD) treated with nefazodone who benefited from a supplement of additional nefazodone premenstrually. During the 6-month study, subjects were given supplements of either additional nefazodone or placebo prior to the expected onset of menses (double-blind crossover design). Symptoms were assessed during the late luteal and follicular phases. All subjects showed significant improvement for the months in which they received nefazodone supplements, but not when given placebo. Premenstrual dose increase is a clinically promising intervention for women who experience PMMD.
Citation Information
Miller, Merry N.; Miller, Barney E.; Chinouth, Rick; Coyle, Brent R.; and Brown, George R.. 2002. Increased Premenstrual Dosing of Nefazodone Relieves Premenstrual Magnification of Depression. Depression and Anxiety. Vol.15(1). 48-51. PMID: 11816054 ISSN: 1091-4269