The Role of SIGNR1 and the β-Glucan Receptor (Dectin-1) in the Nonopsonic Recognition of Yeast by Specific Macrophages

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We recently demonstrated that the β-glucan receptor Dectin-1 (βGR) was the major nonopsonic β-glucan receptor on macrophages (Mφ) for the yeast-derived particle zymosan. However, on resident peritoneal Mφ, we identified an additional mannan-inhibitable receptor for zymosan that was distinct from the Mφ mannose receptor (MR). In this study, we have studied the mannose-binding potential of murine Mφ and identified the dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin homolog, SIGN-related 1 (SIGNR1), as a major MR on murine resident peritoneal Mφ. Both SIGNR1 and βGR cooperated in the nonopsonic recognition of zymosan by these Mφ. When SIGNR1 was introduced into NIH3T3 fibroblasts or RAW 264.7 Mφ, it conferred marked zymosan-binding potential on these cells. However, in the nonprofessional phagocytes (NIH3T3), SIGNR1 was found to be poorly phagocytic, suggesting that other receptors such as βGR may play a more dominant role in particle internalization on professional phagocytes. Binding of zymosan to RAW 264.7 Mφ expressing SIGNR1 resulted in TNF-α production. Treatment of RAW 264.7 Mφ expressing SIGNR1, which express low levels of βGR, with β-glucans had little effect on binding or TNF-α production, indicating that there was no absolute requirement for βGR in this process. These studies have identified SIGNR1 as a major MR for fungal and other pathogens present on specific subsets of Mφ.
