Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability to Read Text
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This session will provide a text comprehension research overview for students with intellectual disability (ID). The presenters will review the instructional strategies and text supports (accommodations) that have been used to improve student text comprehension, with emphasis on strategies that teachers can immediately implement, and discuss opportunities for future research. Learner Outcomes: • Participants will gain knowledge of the text comprehension research base, as well as explore practical issues related to researching text comprehension. • Participants will learn about the instructional strategies and supports that have been used to improve student text comprehension and how to implement these in their classrooms. • Participants will describe recommendations for implementing research-based instruction and supports into their practice.
Honolulu, HI
Citation Information
Snyder, Sarah; Knight, Victoria; and Mims, Pamela J.. 2016. Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability to Read Text. Oral presentation. 2016 DADD Conference, Honolulu, HI. http://daddcec.org/Portals/0/CEC/Autism_Disabilities/Conventions/2016/2016%20DADD%20Conference%20Program%20Booklet.Revised.pdf