"A Multidisciplinary Approach to Study Abroad" by Jeremy Brett Ross, Keith V. Johnson et al.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Study Abroad

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In 2009, the Engineering Technology, Surveying, and Digital Media Department at ETSU initiated a study abroad program in Rome, Italy. The desire was and is to create the first permanent study abroad center for the College of Business and Technology and the university. The benefits to the university from this establishment are great. This program has generated extra tuition dollars to the university and also recognition throughout the community. The lack of funding, a nonexistent culture of study abroad, and very little experience in teaching overseas necessitated an entrepreneurial approach. This engineering technology-driven program has evolved to incorporate students from many other departments throughout campus (i.e., art, history, international studies, etc.). This has provided all students an opportunity to experience an engineering technology program they may not have had otherwise. The coursework focuses on the Roman architectural concepts, environmental sustainability, construction methods, materials, and applications. The vision for this project is to have a permanent study center abroad or an ETSU at Rome campus. In 2009, the first class had 13 participants. In 2010, we offered three class choices for 17 students, and we will have approximately 25 students enrolled for 2011. Our growth is evolving as a result of creative thinking, partnerships, and a multidisciplinary approach. It is our intention to have a full summer program with numerous class offerings that will allow most ETSU students in the College of Business and Technology to complete a summer study in Rome and complete an entire semester of their degree requirements. Many entrepreneurial approaches have been implemented into the program, and many creative aspects are still in the planning stages. Some of the issues include: • A multidisciplinary curriculum that will benefit students and increase the influence of the College of Business and Technology throughout the entire university • Partnerships with other departments and universities • Access to a study abroad program that most students would not have the opportunity to experience • The results of participation in the program • Creative private funding solutions • A mentorship program that allows students to benefit from community leaders and sponsors to the program.
