Appendicitis Due to Bird Shot Ingestion: A Case Study

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Appendicitis due to foreign bodies is rare. Foreign bodies leading to appendicitis or perforation are usually sharp, pointed objects. Lead shot can become lodged in the appendix. Few prior cases have shown a causal relationship between the presence of pellets in the appendix and acute appendicitis. We present the case of a 9-year-old white boy who presented to the emergency room with a 36-hour history of right lower quadrant pain over McBurney's point accompanied by anorexia. The patient's history was significant for consumption of pheasant meat 4 days before onset of symptoms. The pheasant had been shot with a shotgun. X-ray of the child's abdomen- revealed a metallic foreign body in the right lower quadrant. Appendectomy was performed. Bird shot was found obstructing the lumen of the grossly inflamed appendix. Pathology was consistent with acute appendicitis. This case is presented as an interesting consequence of bird shot ingestion.

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