"Dopaminergic Denervation Enhances Susceptibility to Hydroxyl Radicals " by R. M. Kostrzewa, J. P. Kostrzewa et al.

Dopaminergic Denervation Enhances Susceptibility to Hydroxyl Radicals in Rat Neostriatum

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To determine if greater amounts of hydroxyl radical (·OH) are formed by dopamine (DA) denervation and treatment with L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), the neostriatum was DA denervated (99% reduction in DA content) by 6-hydroxydopamine treatment (134μg icv, desipramine pretreatment) of neonatal rats. At 10 weeks the peripherally restricted dopa decarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa (12.5mg/kg i.p.) was administered 30min before vehicle, L-DOPA (60mg/kg i.p.), or the known generator of reactive oxygen species, 6-hydroxydopa (6-OHDOPA) (60mg/ kg i.p.); and this was followed 30min later (and 15 min before termination) by the spin trap, salicylic acid (8 μmoles icv). By means of a high performance liquid chromatographic method with electrochemical detection, we found a 4-fold increase in the non-enzymatically formed spin trap product, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,3-DHBA), with neither L-DOPA nor 6-OHDOPA having an effect on 2,3-DHBA content of the neostriatum. Basal content of 2,5-DHBA, the enzymatically formed spin trap product, was 4-fold higher vs. 2,3-DHBA in the neostriatum of untreated rats, while L-DOPA and 6-OHDOPA each reduced formation of 2,5-DHBA. We conclude that DA innervation normally suppresses ·OH formation, and that the antiparkinsonian drug L-DOPA has no effect (2,3-DHBA) or slightly reduces (2,5-DHBA) ·OH formation in the neostriatum, probably by virtue of its bathing the system of newly formed ·OH.
