"Effect of Endothelial Seeding and Graft Material on the Patency Rate o" by Nghia M. Vo, Loretta Arbogast et al.

Effect of Endothelial Seeding and Graft Material on the Patency Rate of Venous Grafts

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Because prosthetic grafting to the venous system has a low patency rate, endothelial cell seeding has been used to enhance this rate. The effects of heterologous (porcine) or homolo gous (canine omental) endothelial seeding and of graft material (dacron or polytetrafluoroethylene—PTFE) on the patency rate of venous grafts were evaluated in this study. Fifty-three grafts (10 cm x 8 mm ID) were inserted in dogs' vena cava. All animals were treated with aspi rin. Patency rate was evaluated at day 4 (cavography) or at day 32 (his tology). The authors found that: (1) da cron grafts provided a poor venous conduit for seeding purposes; (2) PTFE grafts, whether seeded with omental canine or porcine endothelial cells, had a consistently high patency rate; and (3) although further studies would be needed, heterologous and homologous cell seeding might repre sent acceptable alternatives to autolo gous seeding.
