"Identifying Sources of Bias in the WISC-R" by Booney Vance and David Sabatino

Identifying Sources of Bias in the WISC-R

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The use of intelligence tests, especially the WISC-R, has come under repeated scrutiny in recent years. Arguments for and against the use of WISC-R IQs have centered around the issue of bias. The issues of construct validity, predictive validity, and item content bias on the WISC-R were examined. Evidence regarding these biases was analyzed based on psychometric conceptions of test bias. Although this approach can lead to a narrow examination of possible bias in the WISC-R, it allows for objectivity based on empirical studies. Although all the evidence is not in, our review clearly suggests that the verdict of andldquo;not proven” is justified. Test bias has now become and will continue to be one of the major topics in psychometric research.
