"Communicating Double Uterus With Obstructed Hemivagina and Subsequent " by M. E. Olsen, K. F. Breuel et al.

Communicating Double Uterus With Obstructed Hemivagina and Subsequent Abscess Formation: A Case Report

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Background: Communicating double uterine anomalies are defined as mullerian defects which involve two hemiuteri with communication between the uterine halves. Nine subcategories of communicating uterine anomalies have been described; only two of these subcategories are associated with hemivaginal obstruction. Case: An 11-year-old white female was brought to the Emergency Department with fever and acute pelvic pain. This condition was found to be caused by abscess formation behind an obstructed left hemivagina with involvement of a communicating double uterine anomaly. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case report involving a communicating double uterine anomaly in which fever was a presenting symptom.
