Effect of Histoincompatibility on Migration of Labeled Bursa Cells in the Chicken

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A comparison was made of the localization of i.v. injected3H-adenosine-labeled bursa cells in γ-irradiated B-identical and B-different recipient chickens. There was no difference in the localization in nonlymphoid organs or in bursa and thymus, but the spleen showed more radioactivity at 24 hr after injection in B-identical than in B-different recipients. This difference was more reproducible in 3 to 4 week or older than in 7- to 10-day-old recipients. Histologically, the greatest difference in the older recipients was seen in the number of labeled cells localizing in germinal centers of spleen. Thymectomy or bursectomy of recipients did not appear to affect the bursa cell localization. Syngeneity at the major histocompatibility B locus between donor and recipients appeared sufficient to obtain maximal spleen localization of donor bursa cells.
